IICAS Presents: Human Rights and Global Cosmopolitanisms

"Human Rights in the History of Global Cosmopolitanisms"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Social Sciences Building (SSB), Room 107

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Samuel Moyn will review some of the main arguments of his recent book, "The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History." He begins by considering the more general history of cosmopolitan or universalist doctrines in world affairs, before turning to cover the history of rights in modern times. Much of the substance is a contrast between state-based rights of the revolutionary era and after and the "universal human rights" of our own time.

Samuel Moyn is a professor of history at Columbia University, where he has taught since 2001. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California-Berkeley, and a J.D. from Harvard University. He is the author of three books, most recently "The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History" (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010).

Professor Moyn will also be signing and selling copies of his book, "The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History" on January 20, 2011.

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Sponsored by the Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies (IICAS) European Studies Speaker Series at UC San Diego