Health & Wellness Lecture Series - 1/12/11


The Health and Wellness Lecture Series offers monthly lectures on topics related to health issues, personal well being, and disability prevention and management.

UC San Diego Accommodation Counseling and Consulting Services is pleased to announce January's educational event. This will be a presentation by Dilip Jeste, M.D., who is a Professor with a dual appointment from the departments of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at the University of San Diego and the Estelle and Edgar Levi Chair in Aging, Director of the Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging at the University of California, San Diego. He is also the Director of the Advanced Center for Innovation in Services and Intervention Research at the University of San Diego.

Topic: The Neurobiology of Wisdom, Relationship of Wisdom with Aging, the Associated Neuroplasticity and a Speculation of the Possible Evolutionary Significance of Wisdom

Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m.

Location: The (Old) Student Center Expansion Bldg - 1st Floor
Dolores Herta-Vera Cruz Room (behind Mandeville Center)

Recent discoveries in the study of consciousness complement ancient wisdom and point to a deeper understanding of mind and brain. The Mind knows. The Brain understands. When the knowledge and the understanding are both the same, then they together project perfect awareness. The bottom line awareness is the awareness of your own self.

The concept of wisdom has been described since ancient times, primarily in religious and philosophical literature. Empirical scientific research on wisdom has been a much more recent phenomenon. Certainly, intelligence is measurable, while wisdom is one of those concepts everyone's heard about, but are unlikely to be able to explain in detail.

Come and hear Dr. Jeste review the conceptualization of wisdom in modern western literature. Some say wisdom is a uniquely human complex trait with several subcomponents including knowledge of life, emotional regulation, insight, pro social behavior, value relativism, and decisiveness in the face of uncertainty. Dr. Jeste will compare findings from his studies of the construct of wisdom based on an international expert consensus versus an ancient text of Hindu religion and philosophy - the Bhagavad Gita. Next, he will present a putative neurobiological model of wisdom that involves a balance between phylogenetically oldest and newest parts of the human brain - the prefrontal cortex and the limbic striatum, respectively. Finally, he will discuss the relationship of wisdom with aging, the associated neuroplasticity, and a speculation of the possible evolutionary significance of wisdom.

Please join us for what promises to be a very informative presentation. This event's seating capacity will fill up fast and we will be able to confirm reservations for only a limited number of people. Light refreshments will be served. There will be a prize drawing at noon.

To reserve a seat, please register on line at:

Call (858) 534-6744 for general information. Events are wheelchair accessible. To request American Sign Language interpretation or other reasonable accommodations necessary to enable your participation, please call (858) 534-6744 or send an e-mail request to Alane Reardon at as soon as possible to ensure adequate time to arrange for accommodation.

We thank and acknowledge the co-sponsorship of the UC San Diego Medical Center, the Vice Chancellor - External and Business Affairs, the School of Medicine, as well as the Community Advocates for Disability Rights and Education (CADRE), which is an association of faculty, staff, and students that promotes full inclusion and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.

You may view The Health and Wellness Lecture Series calendar and links to streaming videos at