Marshallpalooza presents…The Best Of Gastrotrucks

Wondering what to do for dinner after work on Friday? Well, the Marshallpalooza student organization may be able to help answer that question.

Marshallpalooza presents…The Best Of Gastrotrucks.

This Friday, February 25th, from 5-9pm, Marshallpalooza has invited five of San Diego’s best gastrotrucks (aka food truck, roach coach, grease truck) to park on the Marshall College Crossroads (in front of TMC Admin Bldg) and sell their tasty mobile cuisines for the campus community. Local folk/jazz/blues/rock band The Evergreens will be filling the air with their jams from 5:00-6:45pm. Followed by a screening of the brand new TMTV movie, “Crushed.”

So whether you are stopping by after UCSD’s Innovation Day Expo, taking a break from your research, or grabbing a quick bite before heading home, join us for a sampling of The Best Of San Diego Gastrotrucks.

This year’s vendors: Tabe Korean BBQ, Corner Cupcakes, Devilicious comfort food, Flippin Pizza, Food Junkies.

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