IICAS Presents: “Sixty Years Of Indian Democracy”

IICAS South Asia Studies Presents:

Lloyd Rudolph & Susanne Rudolph
Professors of Political Science
University of Chicago

“Looking Back And Looking Forward: Sixty Years Of Indian Democracy”

Thursday, March 31, 2011
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Social Sciences Building(SSB), Room 107

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Lloyd Rudolph and Susanne Rudolph will be looking back at four arguments they have made in their published works since the 1960s. They then look forward, examining how and why some of those arguments still make sense, some must to be amended and others no longer hold true. The four topics they will be addressing are the Area Studies Meets Modernization Theory; Centrist Politics; Institutional Change; and the change from Caste Associations to Identity Politics. In each case the Rudolphs look back by characterizing their arguments, then look forward to changes that have modified or challenged these arguments.

Lloyd Rudolph and Susanne Rudolph are professors of political science emeriti, University of Chicago. Their most recent books are Postmodern Gandhi and Other Essays and Explaining Indian Democracy: A Fifty-Year Perspective. Vol I. The Realm of Ideas, Vol II. The Realm of Institutions, Vol III. The Realm of the Public Sphere. A forthcoming article is entitled "Federalism as State Formation in India: A Theory of Shared and Negotiated Sovereignty," International Political Science Review, 31[5] 2011. Susanne Rudolph is a past president of the American Political Science Association and of the Association for Asian Studies.

The IICAS South Asia Studies Speaker Series at UC San Diego is sponsored by the Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies (IICAS). IICAS promotes interdisciplinary research, discussion and information exchange on international, comparative, and cross regional topics.