University of California, San Diego


June 8, 2000


SUBJECT:  Fiscal Closing - 1999/00
                PPM 300-60

1999/00 fiscal closing instructions are available in PPM 300-60, Fiscal Closing, at


All Manual Holders, departmental bookkeepers and other personnel involved in the Fiscal Closing process should become thoroughly familiar with this issuance.

As in the prior year, there will be only two closing ledger cycles, the Preliminary and the Final. The deadlines for entries to the Preliminary ledger are included in Supplement I. No departmental activity affecting 99/00 will be allowed after the Preliminary Ledger cutoff dates. Any entries or corrections that represent current year activity must be made by the appropriate Preliminary Ledger dates.

Balances in the General Fund or other current unrestricted funds will not lapse at the department level. Generally all such budget balances, whether positive or negative, will automatically be carried forward to the new fiscal year in the same department where they resided as of year end. However, it is campus policy that academic salary dollars (accounts 60xxxx) do not carry forward. Also, the revised budget process does not change any budgetary controls that may be required within specific Vice Chancellors' areas, which will be specified in closing instructions provided by each Vice Chancellor's Office.

In general, the June ledger cycle should be treated the same as any other ledger cycle during the year, that is, no extraordinary effort should be made to include entries in the June ledger, with the following exceptions:

1. Self-Supporting activities should continue to record inventories and accruals as specified in instructions sent to those activities.

2. Special and Specific State Appropriations (funds 18xxxx, 199xxx, excluding 19900A) may lapse depending on the authorizing Agency and may require additional closing steps. Please contact Dona Napier (x44815) for more information on these funds.

3. Efforts should be made to correct material errors in the ledgers by the June Preliminary Ledger deadline.

In addition, normal monthly guidelines should be followed in processing check requests, travel advances, petty cash reimbursements, etc., to ensure timely reporting of University liabilities. Please bring this material to the attention of those concerned. Additional copies of this issuance may be obtained by printing the pdf files provided at the beginning of each Supplement.

See http://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/ppm/docs/300-60.html.

Questions concerning fiscal closing may be directed to Steve Ste. Marie, extension 44951, or Laurie Martin, extension 44992.

                                                      Nick Johnston
                                                      Manager, General Accounting