University of California, San Diego


November 22, 2002


SUBJECT:  Proposed New University of California Policy on Postdoctoral
                     Scholars (APM 390)

The University invites comments on a proposed new academic personnel policy: APM 390 Postdoctoral Scholar.

This new policy is intended to apply to all postdoctoral appointees, namely postdoctoral employees funded from research grants as well as postdoctoral fellows and trainees funded from fellowships or traineeships.

The development of APM - 390 was undertaken in response to national and University of California discussions and reports on postdoctoral education over the past five years. Postdoctoral Scholars play a dual role as fellows engaged in mentored advanced training and as employees contributing to universities' research programs. Current University of California and external funding agency policies, regulations, and practices result in significant differential treatment, in several respects, of postdoctoral scholars depending on whether they are funded as employees or fellows. Universities, national associations, and the Federal government have recognized the need to develop core policies that advance the postdoctoral experience and provide consistent treatment to all postdoctoral scholars to the extent possible. The proposed new APM 390 incorporates recommendations from the Graduate Deans, the Academic Personnel Directors, and other administrators, as well as input from Academic Senate committees.

The proposed new policy would be effective July 1, 2003, and would apply to all new Postdoctoral Scholars, including postdoctoral employees, fellows, and trainees. Postdoctoral Scholars with appointments beginning before July 1, 2003, would be covered by provisions in the transition guidelines.

The proposed new policy would:

· Provide the general framework and core requirements for Postdoctoral Scholar appointments. Campuses would have significant flexibility to develop campus-specific policies, procedures, and programs.

· Provide for consistent treatment, to the extent possible, for both Postdoctoral Scholars who are employees and Postdoctoral Scholars who are fellows or trainees. This would include the University offering a common set of medical, dental, and vision plans and other benefits to all Postdoctoral Scholars--employees and fellows alike--whose salaries/stipends are paid through the University.

· Establish two new title codes, one to cover employees and one for non-employees. Current title codes 3240 (Postgraduate Researcher) and 3370 (Visiting Postgraduate Researcher) would be phased out by July 1, 2007.

· Provide that Postdoctoral Scholar appointments are temporary and renewable up to a maximum of five years, including time in postdoctoral status at other institutions.

· Establish a common salary/stipend scale for postdoctoral employees and fellows, initially ranging from $29,000 to $64,020.

· Provide for appointments normally to be made at 100% time. Exceptions, requested by the Scholar, could be granted for reasons of health, family responsibilities, or employment external to the University.

The proposed policy, a summary of the proposed policy, and proposed transition guidelines are on the Web at

This is a formal review of the policy. Questions and comments may be communicated to Jean Fort at jfort@ucsd.edu. Comments on the proposed new policy should be submitted no later than January 17, 2003.

                                                Richard Attiyeh
                                                Vice Chancellor for Research
                                                Dean of Graduate Studies