Campus Notice
University of California, San Diego


November 19, 2004


SUBJECT:    November 30, 2004 Meeting

Dear Colleagues:

I hope you will attend our first meeting of the 2004-05 year scheduled for Tuesday, November 30 at 3:30 p.m., in Garren Auditorium, Room 1105 in the Basic Science Building. On that occasion, Chancellor Marye Anne Fox will make her first annual address to the Senate. Vice Chancellor John Woods will give a presentation on the campus' Long Range Development Plan.

At that meeting, too, our first order of business will be to elect two among the Assembly membership to serve as representatives to the Senate Council. The Senate Council oversees the functioning of the Division, determines the agenda for meetings of the Representative Assembly, and is empowered to take action for the Assembly in emergencies. In making a nomination from the floor, please make sure in advance that the person is willing to serve. For the list of this year's Assembly members, click on http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/assembly/membership/current.htm.

The Graduate Council will present a proposal to establish a new graduate degree program, a Master's of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) in Creative Writing. We will also receive the annual reports of two of the 2003-04 standing committees of the Academic Senate, and adopt memorial resolutions for our deceased colleagues William Lee Ashburn, Murray Goodman, Martin David Kamen, Robert Burr Livingston, Henry Orson Wheeler, and Kent Wilson.

The Notice of Meeting (agenda) and all pertinent documents may be found on the Senate's Web page at: http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/assembly/agenda/current.htm.

For instructions on how to access the Web site or to obtain a paper copy of the Notice of Meeting, please contact the Academic Senate Office at extension 4-3640. If your preference is to receive a paper copy of the Notice of Meeting, your name will be placed on a Senate mailing list. To request that your name be placed on this list, please contact the Academic Senate Office at the above number.

I look forward to seeing you on the 30th.


Donald F. Tuzin, Chair
Academic Senate, San Diego Division

cc: Members of the San Diego Division