University of California, San Diego


June 9, 2005


SUBJECT:    Review of UCSD Integrity of Scholarship Policy

Dear Colleagues,

As some of you know, a subcommittee of the Academic Senate's Committee on Educational Policy has been conducting a major review of the UCSD Integrity of Scholarship (a.k.a. Cheating) Policy, as mandated when the Policy was substantially revised in 2003. That review is now complete, and the Report containing its findings and recommendations was strongly endorsed by the Senate Council on June 6 and transmitted to Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Joseph W. Watson on June 7.

For those who have had to bring charges of academic dishonesty during the last two years, you will be especially interested to know that the CEP Report identifies a number of important irregularities in the way the Integrity of Scholarship Policy has been implemented by administrative authorities. I have every confidence that Vice Chancellor Watson will take swift and decisive action to effect the necessary repairs.

Judging from comments I have received from colleagues and students, cheating is perceived to be a serious problem at UCSD; a comprehensive solution will eventually have to be devised. However great the problem may be, it is made far worse if faculty perceive that University officials do not support their attempts to enforce standards of honesty in the classroom. I do not know what the Administration's response to the CEP Report will be, but please be assured that the Academic Senate and its leadership will not rest until policy is faithfully reflected in practice. The Policy deserves your respect; its implementation practices soon will.

Wishing you all a happy and productive summer.


Don Tuzin
San Diego Division,Academic Senate