University of California, San Diego


August 15, 2006

ALL AT UCSD (including UCSD Medical Center)

SUBJECT:    Proposed Revisions to PPSM 2 (Definition of Terms),
PPSM 21 (Appointments) and PPSM 83 (Death Payments)

The University is proposing the following revisions to the above referenced Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM).

PPSM 2 (Definition of Terms):
It is proposed that a definition for domestic partner to be added to the Definition of Terms section so that all references to domestic partner in the PPSM will be consistently defined.

PPSM 21.G (Appointments-Near Relatives):
PPSM 21.G prohibits the employment of near relatives in the same department unless approved by the Chancellor. It is proposed that domestic partner be added to the definition of near relative under this policy, which currently covers spouse, parent, child, sibling, step relative or in-law.

PPSM 83 (Death Payments):
PPSM 83 provides upon death of an eligible employee a sum equal to one month's salary to a survivor beneficiary. Revisions are being proposed to this policy as a result of amendments approved by The Regents to Standing Order 103.8 (Death Benefit) which:

* Added domestic partner to the beneficiary provision; and

* Revised the beneficiary order of succession (in conformance with other employee benefit plans and programs that provide death benefits to employees) to the following order: legal spouse or domestic partner, child or children, parent or parents, or siblings; of if there is no survivor in the foregoing categories, to the estate; of if there is no estate, to the beneficiary designated in the University-paid life insurance policy.

The proposed revised policies are available on the At Your Service Website: http://hr.ucsd.edu/Policy/ProposedPolicy.html.

If you would like to comment on the proposed revisions, please email your comments by August 24, 2006 to employeerelations@ucsd.edu.

Rogers Davis
Assistant Vice Chancellor -
Human Resources