January 11, 2012


SUBJECT:    Call for Nominations - Associate Vice Chancellor – Research (Part-Time Administrative)

After nearly 5 years, Professor George Tynan will be stepping down from his position as Associate Vice Chancellor – Research to spearhead a campuswide energy research initiative. I am truly grateful to George for his work with Organized Research Units and for his sound advice on research policy and academic research matters. At this time, I am pleased to invite applications and nominations for the position of Associate Vice Chancellor – Research (AVC-R). The Associate Vice Chancellor will serve as a senior advisor to the Vice Chancellor for Research. The posting may be found at the following link:

The AVC-R will serve as Office of Research Affairs liaison with ORU and MRU Directors on issues regarding space, budget, ORU applications, and other matters; including managing the 5-year review process for ORUs on campus. The AVC-R will facilitate campus investments in core research facilities and services so as to enhance the overall campus research infrastructure and better leverage limited campus resources. Additionally, the AVC-R will oversee the academic research personnel and Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar program, developing tools and materials to facilitate early career faculty research training and development.

In order to qualify for the position of AVC-R, a candidate must currently or previously hold a tenured appointment in one of UC San Diego's academic departments. The AVC-R will be appointed for a five-year term, renewable following appropriate review. This appointment is part-time; the percent of effort is open to negotiation.

If you would like to apply for this position, please send a statement of interest via electronic mail to Vice Chancellor Brown ( If you would like to nominate someone, please send your nomination to the email address above. You need not contact the individual to ascertain whether he or she is willing to be considered as a candidate. All nominees will be contacted, in confidence, to discuss their willingness to have their names put forward for consideration. Nominations and applications received by January 31, 2012 will receive full consideration.

Sandra A. Brown
Vice Chancellor for Research