January 21, 2014


SUBJECT:    Nominations for Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Awards 2013-2014

The Committee on Senate Awards of the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate invites you to submit nominations for the 2013-2014 Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Awards in the following categories:

  • Distinguished Teaching Award, Senate Members
  • Barbara and Paul Saltman Distinguished Teaching Award, Non-Senate Members
  • Barbara and Paul Saltman Excellent Teaching Award, Graduate Students
Up to five members of the Academic Senate, three non-Senate members, and three graduate students will receive awards this Spring. Awards for Senate members are $1,500, the Saltman Awards for Non-Senate Members are $1,000 each, and the Saltman Excellent Teaching Awards for Graduate Students are $500 each. Funds for the awards and the reception are generously provided by the Chancellor, the Executive Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, and donors to the Barbara and Paul Saltman Endowment Fund.

The Committee asks that you solicit nominations from students and faculty in your department or program, and from these forward one nomination in each category. If a committee decides on the nominations, please note the names of the committee members in the nominating letter. Letters of support should be addressed to the Academic Senate Committee on Senate Awards and submitted via the Chair or Director of the nominee's primary department or program. The Chair or Director formally nominates the candidate(s) and prepare the dossier for submission to the Committee. Nominations are due February 28, 2014. Send to the Committee on Senate Awards, Attn. Ashley Welch, mail code 0002 or email to

The file accompanying each nomination should outline the qualities that identify the candidate as a distinguished teacher, should contain detailed supporting material as specified in the "Guidelines for Nominations of Distinguished Teaching", and should document the nominee's contributions to the educational mission of the University. Nominating guidelines can be found at

The Awards Ceremony and Reception, held at the Faculty Club, is an opportunity to convey the importance placed on teaching by academic departments and programs and to underscore the high quality of teaching at UCSD. Your participation in the nomination process and the ceremony provides deserved recognition of excellence in teaching. Your department/program is also honored, as each recipient's name will bear the citation "Distinguished Teaching Award" in the UCSD General Catalog.

Thank you for taking the time and energy to honor teaching among your faculty colleagues and graduate students. If you have questions, please contact Ashley Welch at or 858-534-0970.

Steven Schick, Chair
Committee on Senate Awards