August 10, 2018


SUBJECT:    General Campus Classroom Utilization

With the continued high demand for classroom and lecture hall space, the campus has a need to ensure that classes scheduled in general campus lecture halls and classrooms are utilizing as many available seats as possible. Additionally, there is a need to be able to act quickly when a department determines that a class needs a larger space to accommodate students on a waitlist. Because of this, effective Fall 2018 the Office of the Registrar, with the support of the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, will change the process for room assignments for classes once the first and second passes of enrollment have ended, and continuing until the add deadline.

As before, the scheduling unit in the Registrar's office will notify a department when a room for one of their classes needs to be changed due to under-enrollment of the room's seating capacity. However, we will no longer ask the department for permission to make the necessary change.

Ultimately, the focus is the campus' overall enrollment management, to help as many students as possible get into classes. Being able to quickly re-assign rooms based on enrollment and seating capacity allows the scheduling unit to be more efficient and timely in responding to departmental requests for larger rooms. This allows students to enroll in their classes in a timelier manner.

The Office of the Registrar understands that a room change may not always be appropriate, for example because of pedagogical needs, ADA accommodations, or access to suitable AV/media equipment. We will ask departments to provide lists of those scheduled classes and those class needs each quarter, and will consider this input when evaluating room moves. If you have any questions about the specific needs of your class, please contact your department's scheduling coordinator.

Cindy G. Lyons
University Registrar