December 13, 2019
I am pleased to share important information regarding the implementation of new integrated contracts and grants management and conflict of interest systems that will enhance our research efforts while reducing administrative burdens. Kuali Research (KR) and Kuali Conflict of Interest (Kuali COI) will launch in January 2020 as part of the campus-wide Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) Program.
ABOUT KUALI RESEARCH (KR): To ensure that the new system meets the needs of our research community, the planning team has collaborated with over 100 key personnel from Health Sciences, Academic Affairs and Marine Sciences (e.g., faculty, chairs, department research administrators and sponsored projects office representatives). There are new proposal submission timelines, effective January 21, 2020. These timelines will allow us to use KR most effectively, ensure necessary oversight of proposals, and reduce administrative effort by departmental research administrators and PIs.
-PIs should notify research administrators of their intent to submit
proposals no later than 14 business days prior to the sponsor deadline
and complete the research questionnaire and certification provided by a
KR notification link. Every effort will be made to ensure adoption of these standards and submission of proposals in accordance to these standards in the launch phase. In the future, failure to meet these deadlines may preclude submission of proposals to external sponsors. Sponsored Project Office leadership from OCGA, HSSPPO and SIO-OCGA are meeting with deans, chairs, faculty and departmental administrators to discuss system features and timelines, and will work closely with units in order to achieve full adoption of these timelines by July 1, 2020.
ABOUT KUALI CONFLICT OF INTEREST (KUALI COI): Kuali COI’s more streamlined process will make it easier to submit and update conflict of interest disclosures to meet state and federal government disclosure requirements. In the future, both conflict of commitment disclosures and IRB will use the Kuali system, further reducing administrative burden. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR KR AND KUALI COI: As the launch date approaches, a range of training opportunities for both KR and Kuali COI will become available. Once the systems are launched, researchers and staff will be able to obtain assistance through a new Service Now helpline.
To learn more about Kuali Research visit: To learn more about Kuali COI visit: https://esr.ucsd.edu/kuali-coi.