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510 - Use of University Properties

Section: 510-1 Section III
Effective: 04/01/1981
Supersedes: Not Applicable
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 04/01/1981
Issuing Office: Business Office

PPM 510-1 Section III Policy [pdf format]


  1. Outdoor Space

    Outdoor space is assigned to the jurdisdiction of the particular officers as shown on the campus and hospital maps, Exhibits III-A and III-B. Outdoor space not assigned by Exhibits III-A or III-B is under the jurisdiciton fo the Chancellor's Office.

  2. Indoor Space

    1. General Use Classroom Space

      General Use classrooms are assigned to the jurisdiction of the Registrar for the primary purpose of housing regularly scheduled classroom instruction. See Schedule 1, this Section for listing.

    2. Other General Use Areas

      There are facilities available for general use by reservation which are under the jurisdiction of specific departments. Departmental use has priority over general use. See Schedule 2, this Section for listing.

    3. Specific Use Areas

      Space assigned to official units of the University for continuous conduct of University functions is not available for other purposes and is under the jurisdiction of the unit head. Typically this space consists of offices and laboratories.

    4. Leased Facilities

      The department occupying the leased facilities determines which vice chancellor, dean, or director has jurisdiction over the leased area.

  3. Equipment

    All University equipment is assigned to the care and control of an official unit of the University. Certain equipment is available for general use through service deparments; e.g., Audio Visual sound equipment, Graphics and Reproduction Services copiers, Storehouse typewriters.

    All University properties are to be used for University related purposes.

  4. Services

    Services performed by individuals under employment with the University are defined by specific job descriptions and are under the jurisdiction of the specified supervisor and unit head.

    Certain departments and individuals perform specialized support services for a general group on a request basis. These fall into three categories:

    1. Department Services

      Individual or unit organized to provide services to a specific deparment; e.g., a scientific illustrator whose work is charged to projects within a given department. The unit head has jurisdiction on services performed.

    2. Regional Services

      Individual or unit organized to provide services to a group of related deparments; e.g., Office of Learning Resources in the School of Medicine, Marine Science Development and Outfitting Shop at SIO. These services may be utilized by other University units on a time available basis. The jurisdiction is in the appropriate Dean/Director's Office.

    3. General Services

      Units organized to service all units of the University campus; e.g., Mail Services, Telecommunication Services , Storehouse. The appropriate Vice Chancellor in central administration has jurisdiction over general services.

Section: 510-1 Section III

Exhibit A
Effective: 4/1/81
Issuing Office: Business Office

Section: 510-1 Section III

Exhibit B
Effective: 4/1/81
Issuing Office: Business Office