The University of California is governed by a Board of Regents, which under Article IX, Section 9 of the California Constitution has "full powers of
organization and governance" subject only to very specific areas of legislative control.
The Regents promulgate policy for
the University overall, but certain policy-making duties are conferred on the President in
Standing Orders of The Regents 100.4.
Presidential policy may result from Regents' action, changes in law, or new administrative issues within the
University itself. Presidential policies are revised or rescinded based on changes to
Regents' policy, legal or
societal changes, or administrative changes. Presidential policies may be issued in the form of
Presidential delegations of authority, or as
Universitywide policy manuals.
Presidential policies confer authority to Vice Presidents, Chancellors, and Laboratory Directors. At UCSD the
Chancellor further redelegates this authority to campus officials through delegation of authority letters. The
Office of the President has asked that certain guidelines be followed when writing delegation of authority
UCSD Guidelines |
The following guidelines are offered to assist in writing delegation of authority letters at UCSD. We encourage
you to contact Policy and Records Administration at the start of, and before completion of any delegation of authority letter.
Policy and Records Administration is ready to assist with your delegation and will be happy to advise or compose your
delegation of authority letter.
1 |
A delegation should be addressed and stated according to the recipient's name and title,
e.g., "I delegate to you, as Vice Chancellor--Student Affairs, the authority to…"; or "As Vice
Chancellor--Student Affairs, you are authorized to…". It is then clear that the authority belongs
to the title, this can be helpful when changes in personnel occur. Such wording should be used in
any redelegation as well. |
2 |
Appropriate reference should be made to the source of the authority being delegated, e.g.,
"..the authority delegated to me by President Dynes in his letter of December 6, 2004
concerning…"; or "…by Administrative and Professional Staff Personnel Policy 122"; or "…by
Standing order 100.5." |
If a delegation of authority has a four digit ID number please include that number in the
delegation letter when referencing the source of the authority. UCSD delegations are typically
referenced as UCSD DA#### and Office of the President delegations are typically referenced as
DA####. |
3 |
Any specific terms, restrictions, or requirements established by the original delegation,
whether from the President to the Chancellor or from the Chancellor to other campus officials,
should be clearly incorporated in any redelegation of the authority. It is preferable to do this
by repeating the same language in the redelegation so that the document is complete in itself, however, if such language is lengthy and it is impractical to repeat it in its entirety, the
language may be incorporated by reference to an attachment of the original delegation. Thereafter,
the attachment must always be included with redelegations and with copies to those persons on the
cc list as appropriate. |
4 |
Care should be taken to make reference to any delegation being superseded. For example,
the date, subject, addressee, and the name of the person who issued the delegation being superseded
must be included. |
5 |
The cc list of the original delegation should always receive copies of redelegations (plus
any referenced attachments). The person redelegating should feel free to add names to that
Did you do a policy review? |
Because policies change from time to time, you must review your authority before writing a
delegation. Your delegated authority may have been modified by new policy. Please feel free to
contact Policy and Records Administration or confer with Campus Counsel for help reviewing policy prior to
writing your delegation. |
Send copies to appropriate individuals |
Refer to the original Presidential delegation (which may or may not be a delegation of authority letter, see Policy above) and any subsequent delegations for the
list of all parties that must receive copies of your delegation. Always include Policy and Records
Administration in your cc list. |
Check to be sure you may redelegate your authority |
Not all delegations may be redelegated. The Office of the President and the Chancellor
often limit authority for sensitive issues to senior campus officials. |
Did you mean to redelegate this authority? |
It will be assumed that you meant for this authority to be redelegated. Is
it appropriate for your delegatee to redelegate this authority to someone in a junior
position? Always state whether or not the authority may be redelegated. |