UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT VICE CHANCELLOR PERSONNEL June 18, 1993 ALL AT UCSD I am pleased to announce that at their meeting today, the Regents approved a systemwide Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Program called VERIP III. VERIP III is one of several measures being implemented during fiscal year 1993-94 to offset the University's severe budgetary deficit. VERIP III will be available during a limited time period to eligible employees who are members of the UC Retirement Plan (UCRP). The program will enable the University to reduce the current workforce by offering a pension enhancement to eligible employees who elect to retire voluntarily under specific VERIP III program guidelines. Under this program, Academic Senate faculty will retire July 1, 1994; all other eligible employees will retire November 1, 1993. Detailed information packets, including eligibility criteria and personalized estimated income statements, will be mailed to each eligible employee's home address. The mailing is scheduled for July 1, 1993 to all eligible employees except Academic Senate faculty. Mailings to Senate faculty will be scheduled for a later date. Five special VERIP III group informational sessions for Campus and Medical Center employees are scheduled as follows: Location Date Time Hyatt Regency Hotel July 15th 8:30-11:30 am 3777 La Jolla Village Drive La Jolla Hyatt Regency Hotel July 16th 8:30-11:30 am 3777 La Jolla Village Drive 1:30- 4:30 pm La Jolla Price Center Ballroom August 3rd 8:30-11:30 am UCSD Campus 1:30- 4:30 pm Because of the large number of eligible employees and limited seating arrangements, VERIP eligible employees who would like to attend one of the informational sessions must make reservations by calling the VERIP III Registration Line which will be listed in the informational packet mailed to their homes. Attendees may bring one guest. Employees may call the Hotline number to get weekly updates regarding the VERIP III Program. The Hotline number is 534-7414. The following is a summary of the VERIP III program approved by the Regents. (Information packets for eligible employees will contain more details.) VERIP III Summary Purpose A permanent reduction in workforce program designed to effect sufficient payroll savings in response to severe and cumulative budgetary shortfalls, by providing a financial incentive to retire to a targeted, select group of UC Retirement Plan members. Eligibility To be eligible for VERIP III an employee must be an active member of the UCRP through the last working day prior to the VERIP III retirement date, and eligible to elect retirement under UCRP with a minimum age of 50 and a minimum of 5 years of earned service credit. - Academic Senate faculty must have a combination of age and service credit at least equal to 73 as of July 1, 1994. - All other employees must have a combination of age and service credit at least equal to 55 as of November 1, 1993. ("Service credit" includes PERS service credit earned while a UC employee; excludes service credit under a reciprocal agreement, service recognized for vesting purposes only, and service credit attributable to accrued sick leave.) - Total eligible employees systemwide - 15,343 University of California, San Diego - 1,329 -Senate faculty 258 -All others 1071 Incentives An incentive of 5 years of service credit and 3 years of age credit, except that those older than age 57 will receive one less month of age credit and an added amount of service credit up to a maximum of 8 years, for each whole month beyond age 57. For example: Incentive (in years) Actual Added Age Credit Added Service Credit 57 & below 3 5 58 2 6 59 1 7 60+ 0 8 -Transition Assistance: For eligible staff and non-Senate academic employees, one lump sum payment equal to 3 times January, 1993 eligible covered compensation to be paid December 1, 1993; for Academic Senate faculty, one lump sum payment equal to 3 times April, 1993 eligible covered compensation to be paid August 1, 1994. VERIP III Average Pay - Highest Average Plan Compensation Highest Average Plan Compensation (HAPC) for the purpose of VERIP III for Academic Senate faculty UCRP members determined by using the average monthly full-time equivalent compensation for the 36-month period ending June 30, 1993 increased by 7 percent. HAPC for all other eligible UCRP members determined by using the average monthly full-time equivalent compensation for the 36-month period ending June 30, 1992 increased by 7 percent. Key Dates Window Period: Staff and non-Senate academics - July 1, 1993 through 5 pm October 1, 1993 Academic Senate Faculty - March 1, 1994 through 5 pm May 31, 1994 Retirement Dates: Staff and non-Senate academics - November 1, 1993 Academic Senate Faculty - July 1, 1994 Exclusions - Employee must not have ever received retirement or disability income from UCRP other than a Refund of Accumulations. - Employee must not have ever participated in any other early retirement incentive while a UC employee, such as the Faculty Early Retirement Program, the phased retirement program, VERIP I, VERIP II, Retirement Acceleration Opportunity Program (RAOP), or any employment termination severance package offered at a specific location. Please route a copy of this notice to interested employees. QMW Quelda M. Wilson Assistant Vice Chancellor - Personnel UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT VICE CHANCELLOR PERSONNEL June 18, 1993 ALL AT UCSD I am pleased to announce that at their meeting today, the Regents approved a systemwide Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Program called VERIP III. VERIP III is one of several measures being implemented during fiscal year 1993-94 to offset the University's severe budgetary deficit. VERIP III will be available during a limited time period to eligible employees who are members of the UC Retirement Plan (UCRP). The program will enable the University to reduce the current workforce by offering a pension enhancement to eligible employees who elect to retire voluntarily under specific VERIP III program guidelines. Under this program, Academic Senate faculty will retire July 1, 1994; all other eligible employees will retire November 1, 1993. Detailed information packets, including eligibility criteria and personalized estimated income statements, will be mailed to each eligible employee's home address. The mailing is scheduled for July 1, 1993 to all eligible employees except Academic Senate faculty. Mailings to Senate faculty will be scheduled for a later date. Five special VERIP III group informational sessions for Campus and Medical Center employees are scheduled as follows: Location Date Time Hyatt Regency Hotel July 15th 8:30-11:30 am 3777 La Jolla Village Drive La Jolla Hyatt Regency Hotel July 16th 8:30-11:30 am 3777 La Jolla Village Drive 1:30- 4:30 pm La Jolla Price Center Ballroom August 3rd 8:30-11:30 am UCSD Campus 1:30- 4:30 pm Because of the large number of eligible employees and limited seating arrangements, VERIP eligible employees who would like to attend one of the informational sessions must make reservations by calling the VERIP III Registration Line which will be listed in the informational packet mailed to their homes. Attendees may bring one guest. Employees may call the Hotline number to get weekly updates regarding the VERIP III Program. The Hotline number is 534-7414. The following is a summary of the VERIP III program approved by the Regents. (Information packets for eligible employees will contain more details.) VERIP III Summary Purpose A permanent reduction in workforce program designed to effect sufficient payroll savings in response to severe and cumulative budgetary shortfalls, by providing a financial incentive to retire to a targeted, select group of UC Retirement Plan members. Eligibility To be eligible for VERIP III an employee must be an active member of the UCRP through the last working day prior to the VERIP III retirement date, and eligible to elect retirement under UCRP with a minimum age of 50 and a minimum of 5 years of earned service credit. - Academic Senate faculty must have a combination of age and service credit at least equal to 73 as of July 1, 1994. - All other employees must have a combination of age and service credit at least equal to 55 as of November 1, 1993. ("Service credit" includes PERS service credit earned while a UC employee; excludes service credit under a reciprocal agreement, service recognized for vesting purposes only, and service credit attributable to accrued sick leave.) - Total eligible employees systemwide - 15,343 University of California, San Diego - 1,329 -Senate faculty 258 -All others 1071 Incentives An incentive of 5 years of service credit and 3 years of age credit, except that those older than age 57 will receive one less month of age credit and an added amount of service credit up to a maximum of 8 years, for each whole month beyond age 57. For example: Incentive (in years) Actual Added Age Credit Added Service Credit 57 & below 3 5 58 2 6 59 1 7 60+ 0 8 -Transition Assistance: For eligible staff and non-Senate academic employees, one lump sum payment equal to 3 times January, 1993 eligible covered compensation to be paid December 1, 1993; for Academic Senate faculty, one lump sum payment equal to 3 times April, 1993 eligible covered compensation to be paid August 1, 1994. VERIP III Average Pay - Highest Average Plan Compensation Highest Average Plan Compensation (HAPC) for the purpose of VERIP III for Academic Senate faculty UCRP members determined by using the average monthly full-time equivalent compensation for the 36-month period ending June 30, 1993 increased by 7 percent. HAPC for all other eligible UCRP members determined by using the average monthly full-time equivalent compensation for the 36-month period ending June 30, 1992 increased by 7 percent. Key Dates Window Period: Staff and non-Senate academics - July 1, 1993 through 5 pm October 1, 1993 Academic Senate Faculty - March 1, 1994 through 5 pm May 31, 1994 Retirement Dates: Staff and non-Senate academics - November 1, 1993 Academic Senate Faculty - July 1, 1994 Exclusions - Employee must not have ever received retirement or disability income from UCRP other than a Refund of Accumulations. - Employee must not have ever participated in any other early retirement incentive while a UC employee, such as the Faculty Early Retirement Program, the phased retirement program, VERIP I, VERIP II, Retirement Acceleration Opportunity Program (RAOP), or any employment termination severance package offered at a specific location. Please route a copy of this notice to interested employees. QMW Quelda M. Wilson Assistant Vice Chancellor - Personnel |