UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
OFFICE OF ASSISTANT VICE CHANCELLOR HUMAN RESOURCES September 10, 1993 KEY ADMINISTRATORS/KEY SUPPORT STAFF SUBJECT: VERIP III APPLICATION/ELECTION FORMS The August 30, 1993 deadline for submitting VERIP III applications has been extended. Applications will be accepted from any previously notified eligible UCRP member who wishes to apply. Applications should be submitted immediately by U.S. Mail or via the Benefits Office, and will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Applications that are late in submission cannot be guaranteed processing in time to meet the election deadline. Please note the VERIP III election deadline remains firm. All forms and documentation must be in the UC Benefit Programs Office, 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, Ca. 94612 no later than 5:00 p.m., October 1, 1993. Inquiries may be directed to the Campus Benefits Office, Ext. 42816 or the Medical Center Benefits office, Ext 36709. REAPPOINTMENT GUIDELINES As of this date, we have not received final reappointment guidelines from the Office of the President. Once final guidelines are received, they will be distributed to each Vice Chancellor/Director. We anticipate the guidelines will contain many of the same provisions as with the VERIP I and II programs. The current draft guidelines for the reappointment of Staff employees stipulate that normally reappointment will not occur prior to February 1, 1994. In exceptional circumstances, an individual may be granted an emergency reappointment beginning December 1, 1993 providing no prior offer, promise or agreement of reappointment, either orally or in writing has been made or accepted earlier than December 1, 1993. You are reminded that the purpose of implementing VERIP III is to effect workforce restructuring and downsizing in response to major funding changes necessitated by the serious reduction in State budgetary support for the University in 1993-94. To achieve the salary savings which VERIP III is designed to generate, the reappointment of VERIP III retirees should be minimized to the extent practicable. However, given the sudden changes that will occur as a result of VERIP III retirements, it is recognized that some reappointments on a temporary and part- time basis to meet business necessity will be in the best interests of the University. Reappointments require the approval of the Chancellor. Department managers are requested to contact their Personnel Services representative to coordinate requests for VERIP III Staff reappointments. Rogers Davis Assistant Vice Chancellor |