Department of Human Resources
October 1, 1993
SUBJECT: 1993-94 Merit Increase Timetable
Due to budgetary restrictions, 1993-94 merit increases are subject to a six month delay, as previously announced. This includes 6 month salary increases and casual increases in addition to annual merit increases.
Members of the Administrative and Professional Staff (A&PS) and Management and Professional (MAP) programs who were eligible to receive a merit increase on July 1, 1993 will receive that increase on a six-month delayed basis effective January 1, 1994. For planning purposes only, the MAP & A&PS salary increase
entitlements will be approximately 2% of the unreduced payroll of
eligible employees.
Staff employees who were eligible for merit increases on July 1, 1993 will also have their increases postponed until January 1, 1994. Staff employees who are eligible in the January, 1994 cycle will receive their delayed merit increases on July 1, 1994. Staff employees are eligible for increases of 1/2 step to 1 1/2 steps based on performance. All eligible Registered Nurse Unit employees will receive their merit increases effective January 1, 1994.
The adjustment of salaries for those affected by the Salary Reduction/Capital Accumulation Provision program (Cut/CAP) will take effect on November 1 for monthly paid employees and November 7 for biweekly employees. It is necessary to implement this process prior to the production of merit recommendation forms. Therefore, departments will have less time than is usually available for recording their increase recommendations. Please make note of the following key dates and do as much advance preparation as possible in order to meet the prescribed deadlines.
10/21/93 Any necessary PAF changes to correct the
status of employees eligible to receive a January, 1994 merit increase are due to Human Resources. (Only changes received by this date will be reflected on merit
recommendation forms.)
11/9/93 Recommendation forms will be distributed
11/29/93 Completed recommendation forms are
due to Human Resources
Week of
12/13/93 Approved merit listings will be distributed
Departments are advised to review their records to ensure that each employee's status is correctly coded in the Payroll/Personnel System. PAF's should be submitted to effect changes in status including extensions of ending dates and revised salary review dates as soon as possible. Only those changes which have been submitted to Human Resources by October 21st will be reflected on the merit recommendation forms.
Rogers Davis
Assistant Vice Chancellor
Human Resources
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