October 17, 1994
SUBJECT: | IFIS Express Order |
A new and streamlined ordering and payment (procurement) process known as
Express Order is being unveiled to UCSD low value buyers and their
designees. Express Order minimizes the number of steps required to
process low value purchase orders and blanket releases and mirrors the
way you conduct business on behalf of the University.
The EXPRESS ORDER process was designed for your use by a cross
functional procurement reengineering team made up of representatives from
several campus academic/research departments and administrative support
departments. This team, Procurement, Receiving, Payables
Team (PRPT) was charged by Steve Relyea to redesign the complex procurement
EXPRESS ORDER is a new procurement process for obtaining low unit cost and
high volume supplies from vendors under established mandatory contracts.
It also fully automates the payment process ensuring that the vendor is
paid promptly.
Typically the ordering and payment of supplies and services is
initiated by a low value purchase order (LVPO) which requires numerous
steps to complete the process.
EXPRESS ORDER synchronizes the commitment and recording of your order and
payment into a single process. The process is:
A phone call placing the order with the vendor activates the entry of all
necessary order information into the vendor's sales/invoice database. UCSD
receives the order information electronically and loads the data into
EXPRESS ORDER which is an integrated module of IFIS. This information
allows us to pay the vendor, post the payment record to your ledger and
provide you with a detailed record of the transaction.
Effective November 1, 1994 all commitments which comply with the policy and
procedure conditions must be ordered by use of EXPRESS ORDER.
We are pleased to announce that the first vendor to participate in EXPRESS
ORDER with UCSD is Fisher Scientific. This designation results from the
following factors:
> mandatory UC agreement for scientific laboratory and medical
> largest vendor of supplies to UCSD LVPO buyers
> flexibility of formatting data from vendor database
Fisher Scientific has been the University's pilot vendor for EXPRESS ORDER
since December, 1993. Many labs and departments have participated in a
pilot program with enthusiastic results as well as providing a valuable
contribution to fine tuning the process.
At this same time, UCSD Storehouse has been afforded additional volume
pricing discounts on 57 high use Falcon Labware products through Fisher
Scientific consequently making UCSD Storehouse the designated source
for Falcon Labware rather than the EXPRESS ORDER.
The UCSD Storehouse Falcon Labware Program features the following benefits:
> Custom Falcon/Storehouse mini Catalog (Stock 2988)
> Pricing below or the same as Fisher direct
> Next day delivery
> Direct recharge to your index number with itemized monthly
> Convenience of ordering using a Storehouse Customer Number
> Returns handled through shipping memos required
> Inventory Management service available upon request, save
space and dollars
To request the Custom Falcon/Storehouse mini catalog, call The Storehouse
order desk at 536-3225.
Many more suppliers will participate in the EXPRESS ORDER process in the
upcoming months in an effort to continue to enhance the operations of your
departments in the ordering of high volume and low dollar value supplies
and services.
Detailed instructions regarding use of EXPRESS ORDER are attached along
with a statement of policy, procedure and approved EXPRESS ORDER vendors.
Please read these carefully and distribute to all persons who are
responsible for the commitment, administration, and audit of these
Should you have any questions regarding this new procurement tool, please
do not hesitate to contact either Charlotte Collier at extension 45763 or
Melinda Louret at extension 40840.
Linda Collins
Faye McCullough
Robert Trout
UCSD Storehouse |
Conditions of delegated authority for transactions committed by EXPRESS
ORDER are:
- one release # for each unique index
- total release value not to exceed $2500
- releases for FALCONWARE products should be conveniently ordered from
the UCSD Storehouse allowing the greatest benefit to the buyer for price
and immediate delivery. (Call Storehouse order desk at 536-3225 to
request the Custom Falcon/Storehouse mini catalog).
- EXPRESS ORDER can only be used for approved vendors. (Approved
vendors and guidelines for ordering from them are presented in addendum
to this Policy/Procedure document. As more vendors are added,
additional addenda will be published).
This is how the EXPRESS ORDER procurement process works:
- Approved Express Order vendors accept orders from UCSD low value buyer
(or their designee) by means of a telephone call to the supplier.
- The vendor records mandatory information pertinent to the order, as
defined by the agreement, into their data base and assigns an
identifying release number. Order elements entered by the vendor
include buyer code (or designee), UCSD account number, release agent
name, (person calling in the order), phone #, shipping address,
index number, product part number, description, quantity and price.
- The customer can telephone in as many "releases," with as many line
items, at a given time up to $2500 per release. However separate
releases are required for the use of each index number.
- On an established periodic basis, the vendor submits an electronic
file to UCSD which contains all specified data fields for all releases
generated for the period.
- Files are audited on line in Disbursements for invalid data fields.
Problem data elements on releases are suspended from the vendor's
file; these releases will appear on subsequent statements and paid to
the vendor when corrected.
- UCSD processes the file, validates data fields and defaults the
accounting distribution and other pertinent data from both the index
code and the established EXPRESS ORDER vendor profile.
- Itemized statements are automatically generated and distributed
electronically or via printed output to user departments.
- Departmental personnel match packing slips with the statements, secure
delegated signature authorization, and become the office of permanent
record retention for the transaction.
- Vendor's electronic file is updated with payment information and
returned to their accounts receivable department for reconciliation.
- Electronic payment is generated to pay the vendor for all validated
releases via a single funds transfer for all releases established
during that period.
Addenda attached to this Policy and Procedure document will provide
information regarding processing instructions for approved EXPRESS ORDER
vendors. Many more suppliers will be added to the list of approved
vendors in the near future at which time the campus will be notified and
new addenda will be distributed.
Addenda 1: Fisher Scientific Supplies
Following are instructions for using Express Order for purchases and
releases of supplies from Fisher Scientific. If you require either
further instructions or training, please contact either Charlotte Collier
extension 45763 or Melinda Louret extension 40840.
Fisher Scientific
(800) 766-7000
For lab supplies, safety items, and biotech reagents
UCSD Express Order Account Numbers
Taxable purchases: 114789-27
Nontaxable purchases: 114789-30
Vendor Service Representative: Patricia Sharp -
Voice Mail Box (800) 955-6666
extension 3216.
When you telephone your request to Fisher Scientific:
* give the appropriate Fisher Scientific Express Order account number
* state that you are placing an Express Order for UCSD
* give your name and telephone number
Please have the following information ready before you call:
* items that are being ordered:
The customer service representative will provide you with price and
delivery for all items. You will then be asked for:
* shipping Attention line; including the Building, and Room Number
* Buyer Code
* Index Code
After your order has been entered by the Fisher representative into their
sales/order system:
* Ask the customer service representative for your EXPRESS RELEASE
NUMBER. This number will be used for any future inquiries regarding
this order and for shipment tracking by Central Receiving.
Your order will be shipped immediately.
When the order is received, match the items received to the packing slip.
If there are discrepancies or damaged items, notify Fisher Scientific
Customer Service representatives by calling the SAME telephone number that
you used to call in the order.
Once a week you will receive a printed statement reflecting all releases
ordered from Fisher Scientific by the Express Order Process. Departmental
personnel match packing slips with the statements, secure delegated
signature authorization, and become the office of permanent record
retention for the statement.
For information regarding statements, call either the Express Order
Representative or access the vendor statements on line via the EXPRESS
ORDER IFIS module. All departmental users with online access to the
purchasing module automatically have access to the reference screens in
the IFIS EXPRESS ORDER module. |