October 7, 1994
SUBJECT: | Chancellor's and Presidents Postdoc Fellowships |
Please join me in welcoming the following Chancellor's and President's
Postdoctoral Fellows in residence at UCSD during 1994-95:
Chancellor's Fellows:
C. Raul Harris-Collazo Psychiatry Steven Foote
Jane Rhodes Ethnic Studies George Lipsitz
Nicholas Socci Physics Jose Onuchic
President's Fellows:
Katherine Benson (2nd Year) Physics Ann Nelson
Sara Billey Mathematics Nolan Wallach
Megan Flanagan IGPP Peter Shearer
Carlos Juarez IR/PS Stephan Haggard
Robert Mendoza Pediatrics Theodore Friedmann
Cristina Sandoval Biology Trevor Price
Lisa Storrie-Lombardie CASS Arthur Wolfe
Robert Westley (2nd Year) Philosophy Gerald Doppelt
I hope you will make a point of becoming acquainted with and encouraging these
The fellows who are all U.S. citizens from under-represented groups, were
chosen for their potential for becoming faculty members at research
universities. Each fellow has a faculty mentor who serves as research advisor
and provides career guidance. Both the President's and the Chancellor's
awards are for two years and provide a stipend, health insurance, and research
and travel expenses. Funding for the Chancellor's Fellowships is provided
by the Office of the President. The administration of both programs is
coordinated by Vice Chancellor Attiyeh.
For the 1995-96 competition, I encourage you to identify promising
minority scholars (particularly African-Americans, Mexican-Americans,
American Indians, Filipinos, and Puerto Ricans) from anywhere in the
United States who will soon complete or have recently completed their
Ph.D.'s and urge them to apply for the Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowships.
Applications for the President's Fellowships are encouraged from members
of the above minority groups and Asian Americans in all fields from women
in physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering.
To apply for both awards, candidates should apply to the University of
California President's Fellowship Program. All under-represented minority
applicants for the President's Fellowship who designate a UCSD faculty
member as their mentor will automatically be considered for the Chancellor's
Applications my be obtained from Greg Llacer in the Office of Graduate
Studies and Research, (43556, ), or from the President's
Fellowship Program, Office of the President, University of California,
300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, CA 94612-3550; telephone 510-987-9500.
Deadline for applications is December 14.
If you would like further information about the Chancellor's Fellowship
Program, you may communicate with Vice Chancellor Attiyeh (46654;, Associate Chancellor Nolan Penn(41698;, or
Robin Rose(46655;
Richard C. Atkinson
Chancellor |