University of California, San Diego


November 2, 1994


SUBJECT:    Reaffirmation of University of California, San Diego's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

I am taking this opportunity to reaffirm UCSD's commitment to affirmative
action and equal employment opportunity. Our policy governing
nondiscrimination in employment, as explained on the Attachment, requires that
we assure all employment actions, including recruitment, training, hiring,
layoff, promotion, transfer, and career development for all faculty and staff
employees at the University are made in a fair and impartial manner. (Please
refer to the attached Nondiscrimination Statement for a summary of applicable
governing regulations and faculty/staff grievance policies). I strongly
support this policy and reaffirm that fair employment practices will be
implemented throughout all personnel activities at UCSD.

This year, meetings will be conducted with the Vice Chancellors and Medical
Center Director to explain this policy. A representative from each Vice
Chancellor Unit will work with staff members in that unit to devise a
plan of action, which will be approved by the Staff Affirmative Action (SAA)
Office, to disseminate and discuss the policy with employees in that unit.
Action plans will be completed by January 1995.

EEO policy will continue to be included in the annual abbreviated version of
the Staff Affirmative Action Plan, which is distributed to managers and
supervisors. EEO policy will continue to be discussed in all affirmative
action presentations in the Supervisory Training Laboratory, and a presentation
on EEO policy will continue to be included in monthly New Employee Orientation
sessions. Finally, policy statements will continue to be disseminated to all
recruitment sources on an annual basis.

Responsibility for implementing staff and academic Affirmative Action Plans,
including program accessibility for persons with disabilities, has been
assigned as follows:

NOLAN E. PENN, Associate Chancellor
Bldg. 107 University Center, UCSD, La Jolla, CA 92093-0005
(619) 534-0195

Vice Chancellor - Business Affairs,   Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs,
Staff Affirmative Action Coordinator   Academic Affirmative Action
and Sec. 504 Coordinator for Staff   Coordinator and Sec. 504 Coordinator
Bldg. 110 University Center, UCSD   for Faculty
La Jolla, CA 92093-0007        Bldg. 105 University Center, UCSD
(619) 534-3390           La Jolla, CA 92093-0001
                   (619) 534-3130

Assistant Vice Chancellor - Campus  Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs and
Planning and ADA Title II Coordinator  Sec. 504 Coordinator for Students
Bldg. 108 University Center, UCSD   Bldg. 112 University Center, UCSD
La Jolla, CA 92093-0006       La Jolla, CA 92093-0015
(619) 534-3059           (619) 534-4370

In order for UCSD's affirmative action program to be a success, it will
require commitment on the part of everyone involved. Please join me in
reaffirming our commitment to equal employment opportunity and affirmative
action at UCSD.

Richard C. Atkinson




                           November 2, 1994


The University of California, in accordance with applicable Federal and State
law and University policy, prohibits discrimination against or harassment of
any person employed by or seeking employment with the University on the basis
of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental disability,
medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, or age. The
University of California also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation, status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran or,
within the limits imposed by law or University policy, on the basis of

In conformance with applicable law and University policy, the University of
California is an affirmative action/equal employment opportunity employer.
The University undertakes affirmative action for underrepresented minorities
and women, for persons with disabilities, and for Vietnam-era veterans and
special disabled veterans.

Applicable UCSD faculty and staff grievance policies are as follows:

Faculty Grievance Policies

o  Bylaws of the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate (Section 230,
  Privilege and Tenure)

o  PPM Section 230-5, Personnel - Academic, "Appeals for Academic Appointees
   Other Than Members of the Academic Senate"

o  APM Section 015, General University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees,
   "Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline, including the
  Faculty Code of conduct"

o  APM Section 140, General University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees,
   "Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Grievances"

o  Memorandum of Understanding, University of California and University
   Federation of Librarians University Council - American Federation of
   Teachers, Professional Librarian Unit, Article XXV, Grievance Procedure

o  Memorandum of Understanding, University of California and University Council
  - American Federation of Teachers, Non-Senate Instructional Unit, Article
  XXXIII, Grievance Procedure

Staff Grievance Policies

o  Executive Program, Policy 22, Resolution of Concerns

o  Management and Professional (MAP) Program, Policy 70, Administrative Review

o  Administrative and Professional Staff (A&PS) Program, Policy 190, Grievances

o  SPP Section 280, Employee Grievances

o  SPP Section 290, Administrative Review

o  International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Contract, Article 22,
  Grievance Procedures

o  American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

o  Service Unit, Article 6, Grievance Procedures

o  Clerical and Allied Services Unit, Article 6, Grievance Procedures

o  Patient Care Technical Unit, Article 6, Grievance Procedures

o  California Nurses Association (CNA) Contract, Article 26, Grievance