November 30, 1994
SUBJECT: | Travel Cash Advance Policy | Reference: Campus Notice - October 3, 1994
Discontinuing Paper-Based Administrative Support
The above referenced notice listed the date for the elimination of the
issuance of travel cash advances to employees as being January 1, 1995.
After this date, travel cash advances will be available for employees
through the Diners Club Corporate card by means of ATM's.
Since the date the referenced notice was issued, many of you have
responded by either increasing the use of your Diners Club card or by
requesting an application in order to obtain a card. There has been a
significant reduction in requests for travel cash advances and we
would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your
participation and support. As travelers have discovered, not only is
use of the Diners Card for cash advances good for the university, but
it is good for the traveler as well.
Possible exceptions to the travel cash advance policy are listed below.
Please clearly annotate either on the Travel Notification and Request
for Travel Advance form or as text on the IFIS on line screen the
justification for the exception requested, as this will expedite
processing. The Travel Office can approve exceptions to this policy
based on the following criteria, and under special circumstances:
- Travel to remote locations where ATM's are not available.
- Students and non-employee's on university business needing cash
for subsistence.
- New employee, first time advance. A Diners Club application
should be requested at this same time.
- Group travel for which special handling is required.
Due to the cooperation that has already been demonstrated prior to
reaching the target date, it does not appear it will be necessary to
implement at this time the cost-based charge that was indicated in the
October 3 notice.
As a reminder, the Travel Office can pre-pay registration fees and
hotel deposits, if necessary, via a Travel Notification and Request
for Travel Advance form or by departments initiating a request via
the IFIS on-line Travel Module.
When a Diners Club Corporate card is used for travel expenses, please
annotate "Diners" on the top of the Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) to
ensure priority handling and traveler's may expect reimbursement
within 5 working days after their TEV arrives in the Travel Office.
The time required to prepare and route TEV's through originating and
approving departments, and time to obtain exceptional approvals is
not included in the 5 day period.
The Travel Office can assist you with any special travel arrangements
you might have.
Diners Club Corporate card applications are available through the
Travel Office from Chrissy Smith at extension 48419.
Requests and questions regarding an approval for an exception to
policy can be directed to Tanya Pohlson, Travel Office Supervisor, at
extension 42488.
Call 1.800.CITI.ATM, 24 hours, to locate a convenient ATM worldwide.
Faye E. McCullough
Disbursements Division |