December 6, 1994
SUBJECT: | Catastrophic Leave Donation Program |
I am pleased to announce the implementation of a Catastrophic Leave
Donation Program for the UCSD community. Under this new program, UCSD
employees may donate vacation leave credits to another UCSD employee who
experiences a catastrophic illness or injury, or who must care for a
family member who experiences a catastrophic illness or injury, and who
has exhausted all leave. Participation in the program is strictly
voluntary and no employee should feel compelled or coerced to donate leave
hours. The program is intended to allow willing employees to assist
colleagues in need during a difficult time.
The Catastrophic Leave Donation Program will be available on a pilot
basis, effective January 1, 1995. The attached documents include:
Catastrophic Leave Donation Program Overview
Questions and Answers
Employees or departments who would like to use the Catastrophic Leave
Donation Program may contact the Policy Development & Quality of
Work/Life unit for the following forms:
Catastrophic Leave Donation Application Form
Catastrophic Leave Donor Form
Catastrophic Leave Donation Transfer Form
Model Communiqu for Requesting Donations
Questions about the program should be directed to Denise Campbell,
Director, Policy Development & Quality of Work/Life at extension 49659,
mail code 0922, or dcampbell@UCSD.EDU.
Rogers Davis
Assistant Vice Chancellor -
Human Resources |
Catastrophic Leave
Donation Program
University of California, San Diego
The Catastrophic Leave Donation Program permits salary and benefit
continuation for employees who have exhausted all paid leave due to serious
illness or injury, or due to the need to care for a seriously ill family
member. Subject to the stated eligibility requirements, salary and benefit
continuation is achieved through donations of vacation credits from the
employee's colleagues.
"Catastrophic illness or injury" is defined as an illness or injury which
incapacitates the employee or family member, and which creates a financial
hardship because the employee has exhausted all eligible leave credits.
All UCSD career employees who are eligible to accrue and use vacation time
are eligible to participate in the Catastrophic Leave Donation Program as
recipients or donors.
Eligible recipients may also participate in the program to care for family
members as defined in SPP 410.8 and A&PS 153.8.
Eligible donors may donate vacation time in hourly units with a minimum
donation of eight (8) hours and an annual maximum donation of no more than
50% of the Donor's annual leave accrual entitlement, or 50% of the Donor's
vacation balance at the time of the transfer, whichever is less.
Donations of leave credits which cross funding sources will only be
approved following review of any restrictions applicable to the funding
sources in question.
The prospective recipient submits a Catastrophic Leave Donation Program
Application to his/her Department Head along with appropriate verification
of the illness/injury for which the leave is necessary. In cases where the
potential recipient is unable to initiate the process, a power of attorney
or the Department Head may act in the employee's behalf.
The Department Head (or Designee) verifies the exhaustion of the employee's
eligible paid leave and notifies the Human Resources Department of the
employee's request.
Donors shall complete the Catastrophic Leave Donor Form and submit it to
their Department Head for approval. If the Donor is not in the same
department as the intended recipient, the Department Head (or Designee)
must contact the Human Resources Department to ensure approval for crossing
funding sources. Upon approval, the Donor's Department Head shall forward
the Donor Form to the Recipient's Department Head (if different). Donor
names shall remain confidential in order to protect the voluntary aspect of
the program.
The Recipient's Department Head (or Designee) establishes a leave credit
bank for the employee, in consultation with the Human Resources Department,
to ensure that donated hours are paid from the same funding source or are
approved to cross funding sources.
The Recipient's Department (or Designee) submits a Leave Transfer Form to
the Payroll Office as the donated hours are needed and in the order that
the hours are received.
The Human Resources Department ensures that an employee's decision to
donate, or not donate hours, is kept confidential and that the program is
administered in an ethical and appropriate manner. Solicitation of
donations shall be free of coercion and/or pressure.
Catastrophic Leave Donation Program
Questions & Answers
Why is sick leave not eligible to be transferred to another employee
as part of the program?
Sick leave is not something an employee "owns." For example, when an
employee terminates, accrued sick time is forfeited.
What is the effect of short- and long-term disability benefits in
relation to the program?
Once time is donated to an eligible employee, that employee is placed
on active pay status. When an employee is on payroll status, they are
not eligible for short- or long-term disability.
Can donations be made to any employee and not be limited to an
employee's home department?
Donations can be interdepartmental with mutual departmental approval
and if funding source restrictions do not prevent the transfer of
Can an employee donate time to a central donation bank?
There is no central donation bank. All donations must be designated
for a specific employee.
How are leave credits transferred from the Donor to the Recipient?
The leave credit transfer is completed when the Leave Transfer Form is
submitted by the Recipient's Department Head (or Designee).
Why must donations be made anonymously? Can it be optional?
Donors are anonymous to protect the voluntary aspect of the program.
Anonymity prevents potential pressure being placed on employees who do
not choose to donate hours, regardless of the reason for their
decision. |