July 14, 1994
SUBJECT: | Purchase of BUS-28b Theft Buy-Down Insurance |
During the period July 1 to August 15, 1994, departments may purchase Theft
Buy-Down Deductible insurance. This paid coverage lowers insurance
deductibles and protects inventoried equipment purchased or possessed by
the University. The voluntary insurance program is intended to provide
additional coverage for equipment having a high probability of theft.
Cost for the insurance is $.65 per $100 of insurance and is assessed in a
yearly premium charge.
The program provides for deductibles of $1,000 for non-forced entry and
$250 for forced entry thefts. Absent this purchased coverage, the
University's basic insurance theft deductibles are $5,000 for non-forced
entry and $1,000 for forced entry thefts. Losses exceeding the purchased
insurance amount will be afforded coverage by the basic policy.
Risk Management encourages departments to carefully consider the
additional financial protection offered by the Theft Buy-Down Deductible
program. Risk Management advises departments wishing to purchase the
insurance consider $10,000 as minimum coverage. Those departments with
special needs or wanting advice may contact Risk Management for
Please note the Theft Buy-Down Deductible program will not cover
intangible property (most notably software) or lockdown/security equipment.
For personal equipment to be covered under this program, a completed
Equipment Inventory Modification Request form must be on file. Equipment Inventory Modification Request forms may be obtained from Equipment
Attached is the purchase form. A separate form is required for each
Index/Fund/Org number. A $5 per form processing fee will be added to the
charge of $.65 per $100 of insurance.
The purchase period ends August 15, 1994 and no request for coverage will
be honored after this date. Questions regarding this program should be
directed to Kenneth Jay (44237) or Diana Olson (43820).
Kenneth Jay
Associate Risk Manager |
Campus: San Diego Year 1994-95
Purchase Form
Theft Buy-Down Deductible Program
($.65/100 of Insurance)
Index:_________________________ Fund:________________________
Amount of Insurance for 1994-95: $___________________________
Mail Code:___________________________________________________
Departmental Approval:
Name Date
Return to Risk Management by August 15, 1994.
Mail Code: 0925
FAX: 534-5202 |