University of California, San Diego


January 11, 1995


SUBJECT:    1995-96 Governor's Proposed Budget

For your information, following is the official news release from the
Office of the President - University Relations regarding the
Governor's 1995-96 State budget.

If you have any questions concerning this notice, please call Pamela
Sanford at 534-3480.

Margaret F. Pryatel
Assistant Vice Chancellor

Office of the President NEWS
Tuesday, January 10, 1995
UC News Office (510)987-9200


   Gov. Pete Wilson today (Tuesday, Jan. 10) proposed a four-
year state budget plan for the University of California and the
California State University to renew the state's investment in
higher education.
   "I am gratified by the governor's multi-year commitment,"
said UC President Jack W. Peltason in reaction. "His priority
for higher education is an exciting signal that University of
California is on the rebound.
   "The commitment to a framework for budgetary stability,
coupled with necessary student fee increases, is a formula
through which UC can provide students a quality education and the
classes they need so they can graduate in four years," he added.
"It means they, and their families, also will have a greater
measure of predictability about what their costs are going to be.
   "Finally, stabilized funding," Peltason continued, "means we
can continue to improve the University's efficiency and move to
restore competitiveness to faculty salaries over time, critical
needs if we are to keep the University of California at the
forefront of American universities."
   UC has suffered a loss in state funding that has
necessitated $433 million in budget cuts since 1990, a slippage
in maintaining competitive faculty salaries and large increases
in student fees.
   Under the governor's commitment, UC and CSU would each
receive a 2 percent state general fund increase in 1995-96 and
annual increases averaging 4 percent for the next three years.
The plan also calls for greater operating efficiencies on the
part of both institutions, higher student fees and increased
state funding for financial aid.
   Under the governor's proposal, UC would receive $1.89
billion in state funds next year for its operating budget, an
increase of $36 million or 2 percent over the current year. The
University had sought a 7.9 percent or $145 million increase.
   The governor's proposed budget also includes funds to hire
120 new faculty to stabilize the UC student/faculty ratio at 18.7
to 1.
   In addition, support for the University's capital budget
includes the governor's proposal of about $160 million in 1995-96
and $150 million a year in the three subsequent years for
building projects, with priority given to seismic, life safety,
infrastructure and educational technology projects. The
University had requested a $168 million capital budget for 1995-
96. Funds to pay off bonds for capital expenditures are included
in the governor's budget in addition to the $36 million increase
in the operating budget.
   "Although the funding in the first year is less than we had
hoped for and we will need share the burden of continued lean
budgets," Peltason said, "the increases in future years will give
us the stability to preserve quality."
   The president said a revised UC budget plan for 1995-96, as
well as a general budget plan for the following three years based
on the governor's proposal, will be developed for presentation
for discussion at UC's Board of Regents meeting Jan. 18-20 in San
   However, to allow adequate time for the Regents to fully
discuss and consider the issues, Peltason said a vote on any
recommendations will be delayed until a subsequent Regents
   Peltason said while the governor's proposal recognizes that
a student fee increase will now be necessary to help balance UC's
budget, the size of a fee increase remains to be determined. He
stressed, however, that any increase in student fees will be only
a portion of what the University will use to reconcile the
difference between the University's budget request and the amount
of funds provided in the governor's proposed budget.
   As in recent years, at least a third of any fee increase
would be set aside for student financial aid, Peltason said. In
addition, the governor has pledged to provide increased financial
aid through the state-sponsored Cal Grant financial aid program.
   The Regents proposed budget also called for 5 percent raise
for faculty in addition to merit increases as a first-step in a
5-year plan to bring faculty salaries back to the average of
comparable institutions. Faculty salaries in 1994-95 lag 7.5
percent behind comparable institutions. The Regents budget also
called for a 5 percent raise for staff.
   Competitive faculty salaries is also a goal of the
governor's plan, but Peltason said the size of next year's
proposed salary increases will have to be reconsidered in light
of the governor's 1995-96 budget proposal.