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UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego |
HUMAN RESOURCES January 19, 1995
The Catastrophic Leave Donation Program is now available on a pilot basis,
Please note that participation in the Program is intended for non-exclusively
Exclusively represented employees shall be governed by the terms and conditions The following documents are attached:
Catastrophic Leave Donation Program Overview
Questions about the Program should be directed to Denise Campbell, Director,
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction:
The Catastrophic Leave Donation Program permits salary and benefit continuation Criteria:
"Catastrophic illness or injury" is defined as an illness or injury which
All non-exclusively represented UCSD career employees who are eligible to accrue
Eligible recipients may also participate in the program to care for family
Eligible donors may donate vacation time in hourly units with a minimum donation
Donations of leave credits with cross-funding sources will only be approved Procedures:
The prospective recipient submits a Catastrophic Leave Donation Program
The Department Head (or Designee) verifies the exhaustion of the employee's
Donors shall complete the Catastrophic Leave Donor Form and submit it to their
The Recipient's Department Head (or Designee) establishes a leave credit bank
The Recipient's Department Head (or Designee) submits a Leave Transfer Form to
The Human Resources Department ensures that an employee's decision to donate, or ---------------------------------------------------------------------
UCSD Catastrophic Leave Donation Program
Q: Why is sick leave not eligible to be transferred to another employee as part
A: Sick leave is not something an employee "owns." For example, when an
Q: What is the effect of short- and long-term disability benefits in relation to
A: Once time is donated to an eligible employee, that employee is placed on
Q: Can donations be made to any employee and not be limited to an employee's
A: Donations can be interdepartmental with mutual departmental approval and if Q: Can an employee donate time to a central donation bank?
A: There is no central donation bank. All donations must be designated for a Q: How are leave credits transferred from the Donor to the Recipient?
A: The leave credit transfer is completed when the Leave Transfer Form is Q: Why must donations be made anonymously? Can it be optional?
A: Donors are anonymous to protect the voluntary aspect of the Program. _____________________________________________________________________ UCSD Catastrophic Leave Donation Program Application Form PART I - COMPLETED BY RECIPIENT OF LEAVE HOURSDATE: ______________________________ RECIPIENT'S NAME: Last ________________ First ________________ EMPLOYEE ID #:_________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT:____________________________________________________ EXTENSION:_____________________________________________________ Have you exhausted all vacation leave, sick leave and compensatory time off?
No___Yes___Pending___(If yes or pending, note the effective Briefly state the reason you need additional leave hours: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Expected date of return to work:_____________________________ Is verification from a physician attached? No______ Yes______ PART II - COMPLETED BY RECIPIENT'S DEPARTMENT Recipient's Salary Fund #:____________________________________ Authorizing Signature:_______________________ ______________ Recipient's Department Date FORWARD COPY TO HUMAN RESOURCES, QUALITY of WORK/LIFE
CLDP-1 UCSD Catastrophic Leave Donor Form * PLEASE NOTE: DONOR'S NAME MUST BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL PART I - COMPLETED BY DONOR DATE:______________________________ DONOR'S NAME: Last_________________First_____________________________ EMPLOYEE ID #:__________________________ MAIL CODE:__________________ DEPARTMENT:_____________________________EXTENSION:___________________ NUMBER OF VACATION HOURS DONATED:__________ DESIGNATED RECIPIENT:________________________________________________ RECIPIENT'S DEPARTMENT:_________________________MAIL CODE:___________ CERTIFICATION OF VOLUNTARY DONATION:
I certify that I am making this donation entirely of my own free will and that ______________________________________ ____________ Donor's Signature Date PART II - COMPLETED BY DONOR'S DEPARTMENT
Donor's Current Vacation Leave Balance: Date Donor's Annual Vacation Leave Entitlement:__________Hours Timekeeper Code:_______/_____
* Donations cannot be more than 50% of the current balance or 50% Donor's Salary Fund #:________________________________ Authorizing Signature:____________________ _________ Donor's Department Date
* DO NOT deduct the donated hours from the Donor's leave balance.
ATTACH CURRENT LASR & FORWARD COPIES TO RECIPIENT'S DEPARTMENT & HUMAN CLDP-2 ______________________________________________________________________ UCSD Catastrophic Leave Donation Transfer Form * PLEASE NOTE: DONOR'S NAME MUST BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL PART I - COMPLETED BY RECIPIENT'S DEPARTMENT DONOR'S NAME: Last________________First_________________________ EMPLOYEE ID #:____________________ EXTENSION:___________________ DEPARTMENT:_______________________ TIMEKEEPER CODE:________/____ DONOR'S SALARY FUND #:__________________________ DONOR'S DEPARTMENT CONTACT:_________________EXTENSION:___________ Name RECIPIENT'S NAME: Last________________First______________________ EMPLOYEE ID #:_______________________ EXTENSION:_________________ DEPARTMENT:______________________ TIMEKEEPER CODE:_________/____ RECIPIENT'S SALARY FUND #:________________________________________ RECIPIENT'S DEPARTMENT CONTACT:_________________EXTENSION:________ Name
Hours may only be transferred as needed. DO NOT transfer more hours than are
Donor's current balance ________ minus ________ hours transferred equals
Effective date of transfer for LASR ending period:
* If the Recipient is on LOA status and the donation alters the leave PART II - COMPLETED BY RECIPIENT'S DEPARTMENT []________Hours of donated leave were transferred to the designated recipient on_____________________ Date []________Hours of donated leave were not transferred to the designated recipient. Authorizing Signature:______________________ _________ Recipient's Department Date
This form, current LASRs, and a PTR, recording the recipient's usage, must be FORWARD COPIES TO DONOR'S DEPARTMENT & HUMAN RESOURCES, QUALITY OF WORK/LIFE CLDP-3 ______________________________________________________________________ UCSD Model Communique for Requesting Catastrophic Leave Donations TO: SUBJECT: Request for Catastrophic Leave Donation
(Employee's Name) has experienced an extraordinary personal or family
Should you voluntarily elect to make a contribution, please complete the 1. Once leave hours are transferred to the Recipient, donations are irrevocable;
2. The transfer of time will be made by the Recipient's department as
3. Donations must be a minimum of eight (8) hours and in hourly
4. All donations are to be kept confidential so that no peer pressure Thank you for your willingness to help a colleague during this difficult time. _____________________________________ __________________________ Department Head Date Attachment |