University of California, San Diego


January 3, 1995


SUBJECT:    Preferred Travel Agency for UCSD

UCSD and Balboa Travel, Inc. have entered into a partnership for a pilot
volunteer travel consolidation program. Departments participating in the
pilot program will be:

    Business Affairs
    Chancellor's Office
    Central Library
    School of Medicine - Neurosciences
    SIO - 2 units (to be announced)

For informational purposes, in December 1992, Vice Chancellor Steve Reylea
appointed the Travel Management Task Group which included faculty and staff
from the School of Medicine, Physics, Economics, Student Affairs, Business
and Financial Services, Academic Affairs, and SIO to review the potential
benefits of consolidating travel management services for the university.

The task group studied the issues and evaluated the potential benefits of
travel consolidation. In their final report, the group's recommendation
was to consolidate travel services as a pilot, non-mandatory program. The
report further recommended that the pilot should be: 1) for approximately
10% of the university's travel; 2) with a single agency; and 3) for a
trial period of six months (later extended to one year).

Based on these recommendations, the Travel Implementation Team was
convened to prepare a Request for Proposal (RPF) for the purpose of
evaluating and selecting the travel agency for the pilot program. This
process took over a year to complete so care could be given to all details
as well as taking time to ensure all local agencies were advised, both on
the university's intentions and to invite their participation.

Letters of invitation to participate in the RFP process were mailed to all
San Diego travel agencies. A pre-submission conference was held to answer
any questions the representatives of the travel agencies might have had.
Approximately 20 proposals were submitted for final evaluation.

Based on the selection criteria, the Implementation Team named Balboa
Travel as the successful agency.

UCSD has received and continues to enjoy outstanding service from many San
Diego travel agencies. However, the following are just a few of the
services Balboa Travel will be providing UCSD based on our agreement:

    * Agents and Direct Lines - Dedicated to UCSD

    * Lines Accessible 24 Hours - Worldwide

    * Guaranteed Lowest Available Airfare

    * Preferred Seats & Frequent Flier Upgrades

    * Ticket Delivery to Campus Departments

    * Airport Concierge Service

    * International Service Department: passport/visa photos,
      application processing, currency conversion, travelers cheques,
      translation services...

With this partnership, quality assurance checks are in place to measure the
services that Balboa Travel will be providing UCSD. During the year of the
pilot program, you will be asked for your feedback so UCSD can eventually
have a travel program to accommodate our special needs.

Please come and meet Balboa Travel at one of the three orientations
scheduled in the Chancellor's Complex, Room 111-A and learn more about the
benefits of travel management consolidation:

    January 11,  1995 10:00 - 11:00
    January 18,  1995 10:00 - 11:00
    February 1,  1995   2:00 -  3:00

RSVP to the Travel Office at extension 48419. (Refreshments will be

Please be reminded, this is a pilot program and participation is your

Faye E. McCullough
Disbursements Division