University of California, San Diego


January 6, 1995


SUBJECT:    FD&C Information Services

The following is to familiarize you with the Information Services our
department provides on a recharge basis. Many departments utilize our
efforts for Computer Aided Design (CAD), plotting, reproductions
(blueprints/xerox) of plans/maps or just information research. In many
cases, we advise Departmental representatives how to expedite their work
directly through a reprographics firm. If the UCSD staff, faculty or
students need Facilities Design & Construction (FD&C) to facilitate their
request, here are the procedures to follow to process the requests.

First of all, a departmental business representative (usually an
MSO) should initiate a Work Request (Form #FO2215 from the
Storehouse) which is directed to our department. A FAX (44363)
or E-MAIL addressed to Julio Ramos will greatly expedite your
request. A job number is assigned for the activity which may be a
one-time request or a blanket account per fiscal year. Many
departments simply reissue accounts by fiscal year. Our fiscal
component recharges activity based on the following principles:

-    There is no charge if research or blueprinting/xeroxing is less
     than 20 minutes.

-    Blueprinting/xeroxing is done out-of-house if it requires more
     time than above. This yields an invoice which will then be
     recharged against the job number that is assigned to each
     Work Request.

-    CAD services and plotting are available at our department's
     recharge rate of $42.36/hr. These services will be provided
     only if time is available.

-    Enlargements/reductions, presentation blackline, mounting
     images on foam core, slides, and so forth, are all additional
     costs determined per request.

-    The recharge rate for labor (as opposed to materials) is
     $42.36/hour. For example, if the item requested requires
     considerable research or is available in our archives, an hour
     or two may occur in order to go to another location, retrieve
     the information, print it, and return it. Likewise, if
     information is hand-delivered by our department, an hour-
     and-one-half is usually charged because of round trip
     transportation. Otherwise, it will be your responsibility to
     pick up your item or notify us to mail it via campus mail.
     For the simplest requests which are printed out-of-house,
     there is a typical labor charge of one hour to cover the
     activity of retrieving the items (usually plans), writing up the
     print request and filing back the plans upon their return.

Thank you for your attention to this information.

M. Boone Hellmann
Assistant Vice Chancellor