October 25, 1995
SUBJECT: | Human Resource Management Initiatives (HRMI) |
During the Fall of 1994 and the Spring of 1995, the first and second
phase of consultation regarding the proposed changes of the Human
Resource Management Initiatives (HRMI) were conducted.
We are now in the formal review process of the proposed new Personnel
Policies for Staff Members. These policies consolidate the current
four-tier staff personnel system (Staff, A&PS, MAP and Executive
Program) into a single personnel policy system covering all levels of
non-represented staff. This single body of personnel policies is
proposed in response to the directions identified in the HRMI to help
meet the strategic need to streamline and simplify the personnel
This set of proposed policies does not address in detail the
implementation of long-term changes to the University's pay structures
and classification systems, which will be incremental over time with
ample opportunity for consultation and comment.
In an effort to ensure that the UCSD community has the opportunity to
evaluate and provide comments during this formal review process of the
proposed new Personnel Policies for Staff Members, the following steps
are being taken:
o The Office of the President's "Human Resource Management
Initiatives--Policy and Program Proposals" document is available
through InfoPath. The new policies proposed under HRMI are now
available on the World Wide Web at the following address:
In addition, hard copies of these documents are available at the
libraries and through the staff associations.
o Open forum sessions to discuss the proposed changes have been
scheduled as follows:
Thursday, November 2 12-1:30 pm SIO, 4500 Hubbs Hall
Friday, November 3 12-1:30 pm IR/PS, Robinson
Building Complex Auditorium
Tuesday, November 7 12-1:30 pm Price Center, Ballroom A
Wednesday, November 8 12-1:30 pm 111-A University Center,
Chancellor's Complex
o Focus groups, including representatives from each Vice
Chancellor's area, as well as representatives from staff
associations and various other Human Resources-related committees,
have been formed to review the documents and provide substantive
Please send your comments to Christine Marchetta via e:mail at or via
campus mail at 0922, by no later than Wednesday, November 15.
This notice is provided in accordance with HEERA guidelines and is
being sent both electronically and by hard copy to ensure maximum
We look forward to receiving your comments and seeing you at our open
forum sessions.
Rogers Davis
Assistant Vice Chancellor -
Human Resources |