December 11, 1995
SUBJECT: | Staffing Process Review Team Report |
Vice Chancellor Steven Relyea and I appointed representatives from the
campus community to review the hiring staffing process and make
recommendations that would effect efficiency and convenience while
ensuring fairness, consistency, and equal employment opportunity. The
team was convened in July, 1994 and submitted its final report in July,
David Scronce from Environment, Health and Safety served as the Team
Leader and Francesco Carusi from Housing and Dining Services served
as the Team Facilitator. The other team members were:
Betty Albritton Resource Management and Planning
Mamie Gonzalez Staff Affirmative Action
Kennon Kashima Student Affairs
Hung Nguyen Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Barbara Seipel Academic Affairs
Ron Spears School of Medicine
Pat Wong Human Resources
After collecting data from a variety of employers, including other
universities and private sector organizations and from employee focus
groups, applicants, and stakeholders, the team identified the following
areas for review: recruitment, non-competitive hiring, selection,
layoffs, transfer/career development, and affirmative action.
The team's extensive report contains information about the current
environment and perceptions of the hiring process by various
constituencies. The report identifies the core concerns and the
environmental factors affecting the current process:
- The current hiring process is a linear, paper-intensive process
which results in a long cycle time with potential for inconsistency,
misplaced forms, and delayed responses.
- There is a lack of understanding regarding affirmative action as it
relates to philosophy, statistical data, policy interpretation, and
productive interaction among all constituents.
- The implementation of the layoff policy and preferential rehire
procedures for reemployment were perceived as needing revision to
ensure fairness to employees designated for layoff and for supervisors
who are asked to consider applicants with preference.
- Career development policies and programs are not clearly understood
by some employees and Human Resources' employment and training
practices need to do more to foster transfer opportunities and enhance
career development.
A complete copy of the report can be located on the World Wide Web
under the Employment and Staffing Services home page at:
http// The home
page can also be located via InfoPath. I encourage all interested
employees to access this report and review the recommendations
contained within. Your comments are welcome as we proceed to evaluate
these recommendations and move toward a more efficient hiring process.
Comments should be directed to Pat Wong at extension 42820 or via
electronic mail at
Rogers Davis
Assistant Vice Chancellor -
Human Resources |