University of California, San Diego


March 22, 1995


SUBJECT:    March of Dimes WalkAmerica

I am pleased to announce that UCSD will be participating in the March
of Dimes WalkAmerica on April 29, 1995. WalkAmerica is the March of
Dimes' primary fund-raising event; this year marks the 25th
anniversary of WalkAmerica. Proceeds from the annual event benefit a
wide range of research and treatment programs for birth defects.
Several units at UCSD have received support from the March of Dimes
including the Department of Biology and the neonatal unit at the
medical center. In 1994, our neighbor, the Salk Institute, received
nearly $1.5 million in funding from the organization.

There are two locations for the walk--- at the Sea World East Parking
lot and in Carlsbad at Holiday Park (Chestnut Street and Pio Pico
Avenue). The official start time is 7:00 a.m. with both a 7 mile and
a 12 mile route at each site. Each registered walker will receive a
T-shirt which will identify you as a "UC San Diego Team Walker."

I urge you get out and walk. Past participants have been very
enthusiastic about the experience and describe it as a fun family
affair. Entry forms and sponsor sheets are available from the
following individuals; please contact them for more information
concerning the event.

                e-mail       ext    mail code
Ann Briggs Addo      aaddo@ucsd.edu     46514     0057
Resource Management
& Planning
Tom Allen         twallen@ucsd.edu     47429     0001
Academic Affairs
Eileen Callahan      ecallahan@ucsd.edu     32707     8230
Health Sciences
Cindy Clark        cclark@ucsd.edu     41294    0233A
Yolanda Garcia      ygarcia@ucsd.edu      41577     0078
Student Organizations
& Leadership
Irene Hom         ihom@ucsd.edu      41960     0015
Student Affairs
Linde Nagata       lnagata@ucsd.edu     46862     0005
Chancellor's Office
Barry Niman       nimanb@ucsd.edu     46743     0944
Business Affairs
Milt Phegley       mphegley@ucsd.edu    45782     0924
University Relations
Andi Stephens      astephens@ucsd.edu    36867      8433
Reproductive Medicine

Richard C. Atkinson