March 3, 1995
SUBJECT: | Staff Affirmative Action Training Program Committee, 1995/96, Call for Individual Proposals |
One of UCSD's affirmative action objectives is to increase the diversity
in career positions (Staff, A&PS and MAP) where there is insufficient
representation of people of color and women. The implementation of the
Staff Affirmative Action Training Program is one method by which this
objective may be achieved.
I am pleased to announce the call for individual proposals for the
1995/96 fiscal year. Approximately $14,000 is expected to be
available for individual proposals, with a $500.00 maximum award for
each individual.
The program provides funds for training opportunities for people of
color and women who are career employees who have completed their
probationary period, and seeking advancement to higher level positions
that are underutilized. By matching an applicant's ethnicity or
gender to an upgraded position that is underutilized in that same
ethnic or gender category, the program creates a direct "pipeline" to
remedy areas of specific underutilization.
Requirements, selection criteria and an application form are attached.
Eligible applicants should submit the application form to the Staff
Affirmative Action Office, 0923, no later than March 31, 1995. The
Committee will review proposals and make recommendations by June 15,
Further questions may be directed to the Staff Affirmative Action
Office, Extension 45717.
Steven W. Relyea
Vice Chancellor |
Requirements for education or training activities:
1. Individual applicants must be members of underutilized groups.
2. The proposed activity must occur during the period of July 1, 1995
through June 30, 1996. Activities that begin before July 1, 1995
will not be considered.
3. The deadline for submission of applications is March 31, 1995.
4. Only requests for tuition/registration fees and books/materials
will be considered. (Do not include health, parking, and
5. All funds must be expended by June 30, 1996.
6. An evaluation form and receipts for approved costs must be
submitted upon completion of the awarded activity in order to
receive reimbursement.
7. Applicants must complete their probationary periods.
8. Applicants' most recent performance evaluation must be "Met
Expectations" or above.
Selection Criteria:
1. Does the applicant aspire to a job category in which there is
present underutilization?
2. Does the proposal relate directly to the aspired position?
3. Is the proposal part of an attainable career plan for promotion or
career change?
4. Have Staff Affirmative Action Training Funds been allocated
previously to the applicant? If so, the evaluation submitted in
accordance with Requirement #6 above will be used in the
consideration of this proposal.
Note: In general, the Committee expects departments to pay for
training designed primarily to meet a departmental need rather than
an individual's goal. In addition, applicants are encouraged to
seek other sources of funding (i.e., personal funds, departmental
Suggestions on Determining a Career Advancement Plan:
~ Check Job Bulletin for samples of job descriptions. If any
positions interest you, compare your skills and needs for training
to obtain that position.
~ Seek advice from your supervisor. Your supervisor can assist you
in examining your strengths and skill needs.
~ Talk with people who are working in the classification you are
interested in moving into. This will give you a better idea of what
skills the position requires and will help you determine your
training needs.
~ Call the following individuals for specific information regarding
job interests that you may have at UCSD:
1. Pat Wong, X42820 - Human Resources
2. Paula Doss, X40282 - Human Resources
3. Ann Skinner, X36434 - Med Ctr Human Resources
(Please type or print clearly)
Application must be fully completed. Incomplete applications
will not be accepted.
Name: _______________________ Mail Code: ____________________
Payroll Title: __________________ Extension: ____________________
Working Title: _________________ Social Security #: ____________
Department: _________________ Email Address: ________________
Male __ Female __ Ethnicity: ____________________
1. Length of employment at UCSD: Years__Months__
Length of employment in current position: Years__Months__
2. Payroll titles to which you aspire in the short-term:
a. Payroll title: ____________________________________________
b. Payroll title: ____________________________________________
If different from your short-term goal, payroll title to which you
aspire in the long-term: _________________________________
3. Brief description of current duties.
4. Brief description of proposed activity, requested course(s), where
course is offered, etc. (Attach extra page if necessary). Courses
may be taken in any institution (i.e. UCSD Extension, UCSD Staff
Education & Development, UC Medical Center Training & Development,
San Diego State University, City/Community Colleges, etc.).
Please note that if application is for a UCSD Extension class,
please use the discounted fee (25% discount for tuition).
a. Course Title _____________________________________
Offering Institution _____________________________________
Course Description ___________________________________________
Date(s) of proposed activity: ________________________________
(Classes that begin before 7/1/95 will not be considered.)
No. of Units (if applicable)_____ Price per unit $________
Tuition/Registration Fee $___________
Books/Materials $___________
Less: Departmental reimbursement $( )
Personal funds $( )
Total Amount Requested $___________
b. Course Title _____________________________________
Offering Institution _____________________________________
Course Description ___________________________________________
Date(s) of proposed activity: ________________________________
(Classes that begin before 7/1/95 will not be considered.)
No. of Units (if applicable)_____ Price per unit $________
Tuition/Registration Fee $___________
Books/Materials $___________
Less: Departmental reimbursement $( )
Personal funds $( )
Total Amount Requested $___________
5. Total Request $______________ (not to exceed $500.00)
6. What other source(s) of financial support have you sought?
Source __________________________ Amount $_________________
Was it funded? ___ Yes ___ No
7. Are you working toward a degree?
___ Yes ___ No If Yes, please check one:
___ AA ___ Bachelor's
___ Master's ___ Ph.D.
Are you working for a certificate program?
___ Yes ___ No
8. Are these courses directly related to your job objective or current
___ Yes (__Current, __Short-term Objective, __Long-term
___ No (If No, please explain: _____________________________
9. How would the proposed activity improve your opportunities for
promotion or career change?
This is to certify that I have completed my probationary period and
have received a current performance evaluation of "Met Expectations"
or above.
______________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
_______________________________________ ________________________
Signature of Supervisor Date
(If training is during work hours)
Please send 13 copies of this application to Debbie Ordonez, Staff
Affirmative Action Office, 0923. DUE DATE: All applications must be
received no later than March 31, 1995. |