April 24, 1995
SUBJECT: | Reorganization of Staff Affirmative Action/Conflict of Interest Office |
Staff Affirmative Action and the Conflict of Interest Office have been managed
as one unit for many years. The heightened demands made on both offices made it
increasingly obvious that these two functions need to be separated to provide
more focus in each area. To recognize the importance of both areas and to
provide sufficient staff support, these offices will be reorganized to fall
under different units. Effective July 1, 1995, the Conflict of Interest Office
will be realigned with Environment, Health, & Safety and the Staff Affirmative
Action office will report to Human Resources.
A full search will be initiated to hire a new Director of Staff Affirmative
Action. A goal of the reorganization will be to strengthen affirmative action
monitoring and enforcement, and provide for increased support of affirmative
action programs. Full support for the progress made in affirmative action to
date will continue, and the existing momentum will be built upon. Aligning
Staff Affirmative Action with the larger Human Resources unit will enable this
function to have a greater impact on hiring, selection, and other personnel
actions. I will continue my personal involvement in supporting and directing
affirmative action policies and programs at UCSD.
Delia Talamantez, who has been managing both units, will be responsible for
Conflict of Interest. This will enable an increased focus to an area that has
grown in complexity, and will help ensure the integrity of the University's
research mission. We expect that the similar missions of Conflict of Interest
and Environment, Health, and Safety will make this a good fit, particularly for
serving principal investigators and other research staff at UCSD.
For those of you who were not in attendance at last week's Affirmative Action
Awards ceremony, please join me in thanking Delia Talamantez for her outstanding
service in coordinating affirmative action, and wishing her well in her new role
in supporting UCSD's research programs.
Steven W. Relyea
Vice Chancellor -
Business Affairs |
Bernie Farrow
Executive Director |