June 8, 1995
SUBJECT: | Temporary Personnel Services Agreements | This is to announce the awarding of four temporary services agreements with
local temporary personnel agencies. Campus and Medical Center departments
in need of temporary personnel are encouraged to first contact UCSD
Temporary Employment Services (extension 44604) as the available personnel
have had in-depth screening and assessment to ensure a high standard of
quality and generally are familiar with the University workplace.
In the event that Temporary Employment Services cannot meet the
expectations of a particular personnel requirement, the following agencies,
who have been awarded new campus wide agreements, should be contacted:
Apple One Employment Services Image Support Systems
9501 Hotel Circle North, Suite E 9501 Hotel Circle North, Suite E
San Diego, CA 92108 San Diego, CA 92108
Contact: Laura Cagwin Contact: Char O'Connell
(619) 292-8902 (619) 220-0644
Manpower Temporary Thomas Temporaries
4660 La Jolla Village Drive 3110 Camino del Rio South Suite 910
Suite A-307 San Diego, CA 92108
La Jolla, CA 92122 Contact: Kerry (Kay) Williams
Contact: Karen Harel or Suny Selonke (619) 285-9800
(619) 558-0700
The new agreements include processing benefits which incorporate the
Express Order method of order placement, recording and payment which will
be implemented within the next few months by each of the four agencies.
This method will effectively eliminate the need for a purchase order and
will provide an interactive billing process between UCSD and the agencies.
We will keep you informed regarding the effective dates and instructions
for use of the Express Order method. (Express Order method is only
available for use by campus funded organizations.) Temporary personnel
needs at the Medical Center should be directed to Medical Center Human
In the interim, purchase authorization numbers can be obtained by
contacting Mary Watt at Purchasing, extension 46720. This number can then
be provided to the selected temporary agency as a record of the commitment.
Detailed information packets which describe pertinent procedures, personnel
classifications, hourly rates, terms and conditions, and a quality service
questionnaire will be provided at your request. To obtain a copy of this
packet, please contact Dona Napier at extension 44439 or via email to The data can be forwarded via cc:mail/WordPerfect 6.0
attachment or via campus Mail Services.
Should you have any questions regarding the information provided in this
notice, please do not hesitate to contact Mary Watt, extension 46720, or
Kathleen Cavanaugh, extension 46286.
Linda Collins
Purchasing Manager
Business and Financial Services |