September 8, 1995
SUBJECT: | Conflict of Interest Federal Regulations |
Effective October 1, 1995, proposals submitted to the Public Health
Service (PHS), including National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the
National Science Foundation (NSF) will require completion of a 9510-U
disclosure form on whether or not a conflicting financial interest
exists. Proposals submitted prior to October 1, 1995, do not require
a 9510-U form at this time; however, it may be necessary to complete a
form prior to the award if requested by PHS or NIH.
The new federal regulations establish conflict of interest standards
and procedures for institutions applying for funding. The Office of
the President will issue the "Policy on Disclosure of Financial
Interests Related to Sponsored Projects" shortly. This policy states:
Any University employee responsible for the design, conduct or
reporting of a sponsored project at the University must disclose to
the University significant personal financial interests related to
that project. When the University determines that such an interest
reasonably might appear to be directly and significantly affected
by the sponsored project, the University will take steps either to
manage or to eliminate the conflict of interest.
An instruction sheet has been developed by UCSD that will provide
guidelines and answers to typical questions. Both the 9510-U form and
the instruction sheet are available through the following electronic
On Internet you may retrieve the information at: Environmental
Health and Safety Home Page on the World Wide Web (WWW)at:
On Internet you may retrieve the information at: Office of Contract
and Grant Administration Home Page on the World Wide Web (WWW) at:
In addition, Principal Investigators, Researchers and
Management/Business Service Officers are encouraged to attend open
information sessions on the new regulations and the requirement of
disclosure of financial interests related to PHS/NIH and NSF sponsored
projects. Presentations are scheduled:
Tuesday, September 19, 1995
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Dean's large conference room, School of Medicine
Tuesday, September 26, 1995
10:00 a.m.- 12:00
Administrative Complex, Room 111A
If you do not have electronic access to these materials and would like
these documents mailed, or have questions regarding these new
requirements, please contact the Conflict of Interest staff at x46465,
mail code 0920, or by E-mail to:
Again, having your full cooperation is important so that the
Independent Review Committee can manage this enormous burden of review
and reporting in a timely manner.
Paul Saltman, Chair
Independent Review Committee on
Conflict of Interest |