January 30, 1996
SUBJECT: | Judges/Hosts Needed for Natl Jr Science Symposium |
The 34th National Junior Science Symposium will be held in San Diego,
April 25-28, 1996. This important event, sponsored by the U.S. Army
and Navy, encourages bright high school students to conduct original
research in the sciences, engineering, or mathematics and recognizes
their research achievements.
Over 10,000 students have participated in Regional conferences held
nationwide. They present results of their research in paper
competitions, and the best advance to National level.
This year, the National event will be held at UCSD on Friday, April
26. Over 360 exceptional students, their teachers, University
faculty, and other guests are expected to attend. We are seeking
faculty willing to spend 90 minutes (ca. 10:00 am-11:30 am) with a
small group (10-12) of such students, showing them their labs and
explaining their research at an appropriate level. This is an
excellent opportunity to recruit such students to UCSD.
On Saturday, April 27, judges are needed to review the students'
written abstracts/research papers, hear their oral presentations, and
actively participate in the judging process. A $200 honorarium is
available for each judge. A maximum of an 8-hour time commitment is
If you would be willing to host a tour the morning of April 26, and/or
participate in the judging on April 27, please contact Revelle Provost
Tom Bond at Ext. 43262, or email to:, as soon as
possible and no later than Wednesday, February 7. Please join us in
this opportunity to showcase UCSD's high level of research to an
exceptional group of high school students and their teachers.
Robert C. Dynes
Senior Vice Chancellor -
Academic Affairs |