University of California, San Diego


February 15, 1996


SUBJECT:    SQL-DSE Off-Load Project

The campus has undertaken a project of one-year duration to off-load the
Departmental Support Environment (DSE) from the current IBM mainframe
FOCUS based facility to a Unix/Sybase environment. The new, Unix/Sybase
DSE will be called SQL-DSE since it will use relational database and
Structured Query Language (SQL) services.

Detailed information regarding this project, including the Project Plan,
timeline, documentation, etc., are available on the ACT World Wide Web
server at URL http://www-act.ucsd.edu/sqldse/sqldse.html (you may follow
the link to SQL-DSE from the ACT WWW Home Page as well).

Departments which use the current DSE should start planning now to convert
to the new SQL-DSE or to Darwin, the campus Data Warehouse. Parallel
testing for some data has already started and will continue and expand
through August, 1996, when all data structures currently in the DSE will
be available for parallel testing and conversion until the end of this
calendar year. At that time (Dec. 31, 1996) we expect to discontinue
support of the Mainframe DSE.

A number of resources are available to assist clients in their conversion
effort. In addition to the WWW pages, we have established a Listserve
based email list (sqldse@ucsd.edu) which will be used for general
discussion and information. The project WWW pages give details on
subscribing to this list. Additionally, the DS Enhancement Team, which
meets on a monthly basis, will be discussing and monitoring the off-load
effort and can provide information to clients. Mary O'Neil from OGSR is
the Chairperson of this committee and should be contacted for more
information. ACT Systems will also be holding periodic Open Forums in
Conf. Rm. 111A to discuss the project.

This project is part of an on-going campus effort to migrate applications
and utilities from our legacy mainframe systems to an open client/server
architecture. It is our intent to provide data and tools that will
compliment the tools being developed by many academic and service
departments at UCSD.

If you have additional questions, please see the above mentioned Project
WWW pages or send email to the Project Lead (rcressey@ucsd.edu).

Roger Talamantez
Assistant Vice Chancellor