University of California, San Diego


July 16, 1996


SUBJECT:    1996 Annual Staff Picnic

I am pleased to announce that on Friday, August 16, 1996, the UCSD Staff
Association will sponsor their annual staff appreciation picnic. The
theme for this year's picnic is "Best Staff Under the Sun." The picnic is
scheduled for 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Sun God Lawn. All University
employees are invited to attend this fun-filled event.

The activities will include the 14th Annual Vice Chancellor's volleyball
tournament, crafts vendors, bake sale, cake walks, games for children and
contests. A variety of foods will be available for purchase from all of
the UCSD Staff Associations as well as outside vendors.

Supervisors may grant employees two-hours of release time in addition to
the regular half-hour for lunch to attend the picnic if the absence
does not infringe upon the performance of required job duties.

Free parking is available in lots 207 and 208 (north of Muir College)
during the picnic. If you have any other questions regarding the UCSD
Staff Association's Picnic, please contact Janet Duermeyer at extension
42836 or Bonnie Matheny at extension 47700.

I hope that you can join the UCSD Staff Association's representatives and
other members of the UCSD family in an afternoon of amusement.

Robert C. Dynes