January 7, 1997
SUBJECT: | Enhancements to IFIS Purchasing Module, January 1997 |
Enhancements have been made to the IFIS online data entry screens in
the areas of Department Orders (low-value purchase orders) as well as High Value Requisitions, both of which will improve the use of those
screens and windows by campus departments. This document provides
information about these enhancements. Please forward this information
to any and all interested parties, particularly departmental buyers in
your area. If you have questions, please call Purchasing at x43082.
The IFIS Purchasing 'DEPTORD' screen, which is used by campus
delegated buyers for entering their low-value POs has been enhanced.
These enhancements have been integrated into both 'host' IFIS screens,
and Graphical IFIS windows.
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1. PO Class defaults to "L":
The PO Class field will now automatically be set to 'L', if it is left
blank when a new PO is added to the system. The majority of orders
created on DEPTORD are in this class, so this change will save one
keystroke on every order that you process. For those who use DEPTORD
to process special orders such as radioactive isotopes, the PO Class
will still need to be entered manually.
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2. Order Date can be changed:
Order Date is now an unprotected (or changeable) field on the screen.
This change was made so that orders initiated in one month can be
completed and approved the following month. This feature replaces
the old method that required navigation to another screen in order to
change the order date.
Notes about Order Date:
- When adding a new PO to the system, you may leave the order date
field blank, and it will default to the current date.
- To complete and approve an order from a previous month, you must
change the date to the current date. From the host system, type an
action code 'C'; tab to the Order Date; blank out the date, and press
the Enter key. The date will automatically be reset to the current
date. On Graphical IFIS, blank out the date, and click on the CHANGE
- If you are entering a specific date, it must be entered in the
MM/DD/YY format: if the day or month is less than 10, then the
leading zero must be entered (i.e. January 6th must be entered as
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3. Printing PO's created in previous month:
Purchase orders created in a previous month can now be printed in a
subsequent month, where required by the department.
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4. Problem when accessing text:
On the Host IFIS system only, a problem existed if the buyer
neglected to press the Enter key before accessing the text screen (using the F12 function key). An error message would be displayed,
and the data would not be transmitted, even though the Enter key was
pressed later (another error message would be displayed). This
problem has been corrected. If the message 'Document must exist
before viewing text' is encountered, simply press the Enter key, then proceed with F12 function key.
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5. Canceling of PO's created in previous month:
Purchase orders created in a previous month can now be canceled
from the DEPTORD screen and corresponding Graphical IFIS
windows, where required by the department.
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6. Access to Header text when canceling LVPO's:
The departmental buyer can now access the PO header text in order to
add an explanation for the reason for cancellation, whenever a PO
is canceled.
- On the host system, you will navigate to a confirmation screen, and
ask to verify that the correct order is being canceled. Type a "Y"
in the DELETE? field and press the enter key, and you will
automatically navigate to the DOCTEXT screen. Enter the reason for
canceling the LVPO, and press the enter key twice to return to the
DEPTORD screen.
- On Graphical IFIS, a click on the Cancel box will cause the Purchase
Order Cancellation Confirmation window to appear. You should verify
that the correct order is being displayed, then enter your reason. A
click on the Confirm button will return you to the Departmental Order:
Header window.
Special Note to departmental buyers who use Graphical IFIS: In the
past, some of the actions mentioned above would necessitate
accessing your records through the Host IFIS system. Those situations
have been alleviated by the new enhancements, and all changes to
departmental orders can now be made directly through Graphical IFIS.
1. Problem when accessing text:
On Host IFIS for both the Requests and Reqcoms screens, the problem
described in section I.4 above has been corrected. Simply press the
Enter key, then access your text screen with the F12 function key.
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If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please feel
free to contact Purchasing at extension 43084 or send email to
Linda P. Collins
Purchasing Manager |