October 17, 1997
SUBJECT: | Chancellor's Challenge 5K Run/Walk for Scholars | Students, faculty, and staff are invited to join me for a 5K run/walk on
the UCSD cross country course on Friday, October 24, at noon as the prelude
to Homecoming on October 25.
I am approving two hours of administrative leave with pay on the 24th.
Supervisors may allow two hours of release time to allow participation when
the absence does not infringe upon the performance of required job duties.
The event will start at noon from the North Campus Field, adjacent to
RIMAC. Check-in begins at 10:45 a.m.
Entry fees are $5 for students and $6 for faculty and staff. The entry fee
includes the 5K run/walk with me, a commemorative event t-shirt to those
who pre-registered, lunch following the event on the RIMAC patio, and
awards to top finishers.
I will personally donate $5 to the UCSD Undergraduate Scholarship Fund for
every registered UCSD student, staff or faculty member who finishes the
race, and an additional $5 for every runner finishing ahead of me.
Entry forms are available at the UCSD Bookstore, RIMAC lobby, the UCSD
Alumni Association Office, and the EDNA window at the Price Center. For
additional forms, please call 44221, or feel free to visit the UCSD Home
Page at
See you on October 24!
Robert C. Dynes
Chancellor |