University of California, San Diego


April 4, 1997


SUBJECT:    Staff Affirmative Action Training Program, 1997-98, Call for Individual Proposals

I am pleased to announce the call for individual proposals for the 1997-98
fiscal year. This program provides funds for training opportunities for career
employees who have completed their probationary period, meet performance
evaluation requirements, and seek advancement to higher level positions.
Sixty-five individual proposals, or 68% of the total applicants, last year were
awarded funds with a $500.00 maximum award for each individual. One of UCSD's
objectives is to increase the diversity in career positions. The implementation
of the Staff Affirmative Action Training Program is one method by which this
objective may be achieved. This year, the Staff Affirmative Action Training
Program Committee is targeting the following job objectives:

MSP Manager Asst., Assoc., or Sr. Development
MSO II or III Prin. Administrative Analyst I
Administrative Analyst Senior Administrative Analyst
___ Assistant I, II, or III Program Representative I, II, or III
Programmer Analyst I, II, III, or IV Computer Resource Specialist I or II
Lab Assistant I or II Staff Research Assoc. I, II, III, or IV
Senior Animal Technician Senior or Prin. Electronic Technician
Lead Custodian Development Technician II, III, or IV

Employees who aspire to be in any of the job objectives listed above, and who
meet the criteria are encouraged to apply. All applicants will be considered
without regard to gender or ethnicity. Requirements, selection criteria,
and an application form are attached. Eligible applicants should submit a
completed application form and 13 copies to Human Resources - Equal
Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action, Mail Code 0923, no later than Monday, May
5, 1997. The Committee will review the proposals and make recommendations by
the end of June 1997.

Please direct your questions to Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action at
extension 45717.

Steven W. Relyea
Vice Chancellor -
Business Affairs





1. Individual applicants must aspire to be in one of the targeted job

2. The proposed activity must occur during the period of July 1, 1997
through June 30, 1998. Activities that begin before July 1, 1997 will not
be considered.

3. The deadline for submission of applications is Monday, May 5, 1997.

4. Only requests for tuition/registration fees and books/materials will be
considered. (Do not include parking, insurance, meals, lodging,
transportation, membership dues, conference fees, or health costs.)

5. All funds must be expended by June 30, 1998.

6. An evaluation form, evidence of successful completion, and original
receipts for approved costs must be submitted upon completion of the awarded
activity in order to receive reimbursement.

7. Applicants must have completed their probationary period.

8. Applicant's most recent performance evaluation must be "Met
Expectations" or above.

Selection Criteria:

1. Does the applicant aspire to be in one of the targeted job objectives?

2. Does the proposal relate directly to the aspired position?

3. Is the proposal part of an attainable career plan for promotion or career

4. Have Staff Affirmative Action Training Program funds been allocated
previously to the applicant? If so, the evaluation submitted in
accordance with Requirement #6 above will be used in the consideration
of this proposal.

NOTE: Higher priority will be given to individual proposals that relate
directly to the aspired job objective. In general, the Committee expects
departments to pay for training designed primarily to meet a departmental need
rather than an individual's goal. In addition, applicants are encouraged to
seek other sources of funding (i.e., personal funds, departmental

Suggestions on career planning:

Check Job Bulletin for samples of job descriptions. If any positions interest
you, compare your skills and needs for training to obtain that position.

Seek advice from your supervisor. Your supervisor can assist you in examining
your strengths and skill needs.

Talk with people who are working in the classification you are interested in
moving into. This will give you a better idea of what skills the position
requires and will help you determine your training needs.

Call the following individuals for specific information regarding job interests
that you may have at UCSD:

   Grace Balch    534-4890 Staff Education and Development
   Susan Carroll    534-2820 Campus Human Resources
   Claude Rowe, III  534-0282 Professional Recruitment and Community
   Ann Skinner    220-5089 Medical Center Human Resources


University of California, San Diego
1997-98 Staff Affirmative Action Training Funds Individual Proposal

** Incomplete applications will not be accepted. **

Name: ______________________________________ Mail Code: _____________________

Extension: ___________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________

Payroll Title: _______________________________________________________________

Working Title: _______________________________________________________________

Department: ____________________________________ Employee ID#: ______________

Social Security Number: ______________________________________________________

1. Length of employment at UCSD: Years _________________________

Months _________________________

2. Payroll title to which you aspire in the short term:


If different from your short term goal, payroll title to which you aspire in
the long term:


3. Brief description of current duties:




4. Brief description of proposed activity, requested course(s), where course
is offered, etc. (attach extra page if necessary):




**Courses may be taken at any institution (i.e., UCSD Extension, UCSD Staff
Education & Development, UC Medical Center Training & Development, San
Diego State University, City/Community Colleges, etc.).
**If application is for a UCSD Extension class, please use the discounted fee
(25% discount for tuition).

Course Title: ________________________________________________________________

Offering Institution: ________________________________________________________

Course Description: __________________________________________________________


Date(s) of proposed activity: ________________________________________________

**Classes that begin before 7/1/96 will not be considered. Funding will not
be provided for items such as conference fees, and membership dues.**

No. of units (if applicable): ____________

Price per unit: _______________

Tuition/Registration Fee         $
Books/Materials             $
   Less: Departmental reimbursement   $( )
       Personal funds        $( )
Total Amount Requested          $

(Please submit information for #4 separately for each course.)

5. Total Request: $___________________________ (not to exceed $500.00)

6. What other source(s) of financial support have you sought?

Source: ____________________________________ Amount: $_________________

Was it funded? ___ Yes ___ No

7. Are you working toward a degree? ___ Yes ___ No

If yes, please check one: ___ AA ___ Bachelor's ___ Master's ___ Ph.D.

8. Are these courses directly related to your job objective or current
position? ___ Yes ___ No

If yes, please check one: ___ Current Position ___ Short Term Objective

___ Long Term Objective

If no, please explain: _______________________________________________________


9. How would the proposed activity improve your opportunities for promotion
or career change?






10. How did you hear about this program? _____________________________________



This is to certify that I have completed my probationary period and have
received a current performance evaluation of "Met Expectations" or above.

__________________________________________________________ ________________
Signature of Applicant                           Date

__________________________________________________________ ________________
Signature of Supervisor (if training is during work hours)            Date


Please send 13 copies of your completed application to:

   Patty Arnett
   Mail Code 0923
   Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action

   DUE DATE: All applications must be received no later than
         Monday, May 5, 1997