June 4, 1997
SUBJECT: | Commission on Diversity |
Last month I appointed a Commission on Diversity to develop recommendations
on UCSD policies regarding affirmative action and diversity. The
Commission is comprised of faculty, staff, and students.
Earlier this year, I initiated a review of campus affirmative action
programs. All committees and subcommittees that advise me on matters of
diversity were asked to conduct a self-study assessing the history and
effectiveness of the programs under their purview. Their reports were
submitted to me at the beginning of May. If you wish to consult them,
copies are available at the Information Desk of the Geisel Library.
The newly appointed Chancellor's Commission on Diversity will review the
advisory committees' reports and formulate recommendations for policies and
programs that will enable UCSD to increase its diversity, continue its
commitment to excellence, and conform to the Regents' Resolutions SP-1 and
SP-2. The Commission's recommendations are due at the beginning of
November 1997.
The names of the Commission members and their charge are attached. Please
join me in thanking them all for their willingness to serve the campus
community in this important task.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact any one of the
following members of my staff for assistance:
Ramon Gutierrez, Associate Chancellor, Extension 40195
Susan Kirkpatrick, Associate Chancellor, Extension 46864
Linda Williams, Assistant Chancellor, Extension 43138
Robert C. Dynes
Chancellor |
Lu Sham, Commission Chair George Lipsitz, Commission Vice Chair
Physics Ethnic Studies
Extension 46857 Extension 48935
Helen Arbogast Tom Collins
President, African American Associate Vice Chancellor, SIO
Student Union Phone 560-6774 Extension 42832
Ann Craig Souley Diallo
Provot, Eleanor Roosevelt Associated Students President
College Extension 42247 Extension 44450
Darrell Fanestil Lourdes Felix
Vice Chair, Academic Senate Chicano/Latino Staff Association
Extension 44163 Extension 41501
Takashi Fujitani Linda Gallegos
Academic Senate M.E.Ch.A.
Extension 47881 Phone 622-0467
David Gutierrez Ashanti Houston
History President,Black Staff Association
Extension 43040 Extension 40644
Catherine Joseph George Lewis
Director Academic Advising - Music
Warren Extension 46293
Extension 44350
Barry Niman Matthew Ng
Director, Employee Asian Pacific Islander Student Alliance
Rehabilitation Human Resources Phone 208-5256
Extension 46743
Jennifer Pournelle Mary Walshok
Chancellor's Advisory Director Extended Studies
Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Extension 43411
Bisexual and Transgender
Issues Extension 41979
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1. The chair of the Commission will issue a report with a set of
recommendations on how UCSD can become truly reflective of the diverse
community that it serves.
The report should:
a) Describe those campus programs (including any system-wide
programs adopted by this campus) that have been particularly effective in
promoting campus diversity at UCSD. Discuss how these programs might be
enhanced or redefined to facilitate the achievement of our campus goals,
while conforming with federal and state law, and with Regents' Resolutions
SP-1 and SP-2.
b) Describe those campus programs (including any system-wide
programs adopted by this campus) that have not been effective in meeting
our affirmative action goals, and proposing either their termination or
a redefinition that might make them more effective.
c) Determine which of the Chancellor's Advisory Committees and
Subcommittees should be continued, discontinued, or given a new charge to
better monitor and assess progress in meeting our federal and state
affirmative action goals while conforming with Regents' Resolutions SP-1
and SP-2 and yet still advancing toward a campus community that truly
reflects California's rich and complex diversity.
d) Consider all recommendations, whatever their nature, proposed by the
Chancellor's Advisory Committees and Subcommittees, and assess the merit or
feasibility of such recommendations.
e) Discuss any concerns prompted by the Commission's
deliberations that merit my attention.
2. The Commission's report should be issued by November 1, 1997. When the
report is completed, the activities of the Chancellor's Diversity
Commission will also end. |