July 24, 1997
SUBJECT: | UCSD Task Force on K-12 Outreach -- Symposium | The UCSD Task Force on K-12 Outreach is sponsoring a symposium of
educators who have created, operated, or evaluated innovative
educational programs designed to enable underserved children to
achieve academic excellence. We invite you to attend!
Increasing the Numbers of Underserved Children Who
Achieve Academic Excellence
Wednesday, July 30, 1997
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Robinson Auditorium
The UCSD Graduate School
of International Relations and Pacific Studies
The panelists will review the programs in which they have been involved
and will also discuss ideas to increase the numbers of underserved
students who qualify for admission to UCSD and other UC caliber schools.
The panel will include:
James Bower, Professor of Biology, Co-Director - The Caltech
Pre-college Science Initiative, California Institute of
Henry Levin, David Jacks Professor of Higher Education and Economics
Director, Accelerated Schools Project, Stanford University
Sarah Michaels, Associate Professor of Education, Director - Hiatt Center for Urban Education, Clark University
Alicia Parra, Deputy Director, The El Paso Collaborative
for Academic Excellence, University of Texas at El Paso
Mary Catherine Swanson, Founder and Executive Director, AVID -
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Paul Drake
Task Force Co-Chair
Nicholas Spitzer
Task Force Co-Chair |