January 20, 1998
SUBJECT: | Campuswide Desktop Computing Support Services |
Administrative Computing and Telecommunications (ACT) and Academic Computing
Services (ACS) are now in the process of reviewing the services we
provide and aligning them in order to clarify the areas supported for the
campus community. Toward that end, effective February 1, 1998 we are moving
to ACS the campuswide desktop computing support services currently provided by
ACT units.
Services will continue at quality levels that are equal to or better than
the ones provided now. Our goal is to ensure that campus departments will
not see major interruption of service as we go through this transition.
Attached is a description of services provided by Academic Computing
Services Desktop Support. ACS Desktop Support can be contacted at or by telephone at extension 2-0047. The web site for this
unit is at
It should be noted that support for electronic mail software and for central
campus network services (such as the centralized POPmail server) is provided
by ACS/Network Operations. For support in these areas, please continue to
email or call extension 4-1857.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact ACS Desktop Support
or contact us directly by email at and
Thank you.
Elazar C. Harel
Assistant Vice Chancellor -
Administrative Computing &
Tony Wood
Director -
Academic Computing
Services |
Description of ACS Desktop Support
The Desktop Support Program at Academic Computing Services provides
services to UCSD departments as well as residence hall customers.
Our services include:
* Configuration of Wintel and Macintosh workstations.
* Installation of Wintel and Macintosh workstations.
* Repair of Wintel and Macintosh workstations.
* Server Network Operating System support (Local and remote, Windows NT
now, Novell Netware by March 1).
* Software sales and installation (Microsoft, Claris, SAS and others).
* Critical systems monitoring with email notification.
* Data security including anti-viral software and network backups.
* Web site hosting, maintenance and development (coming soon).
* Network software package installation and debugging (Including
coordination of registrations).
* Software training (one on one for selected applications).
* Consulting on hardware and software requirements.
Our basic services are $30 an hour, billed by the quarter hour. Jobs which
present problems that are not able to be resolved by front line staff, and
need to be escalated, are charged $50 per hour. Travel time for front line
staff is $18 per hour plus any parking fees. Hardware repair is $50 per
hour plus parts.
Charges include all time working on a job including travel time to off
campus locations, and any time spent on follow up telephone consulting.
Jobs declined after an initial evaluation will only incur travel charges.
ACS assumes no responsibility for equipment breakage as a result of an
action taken by our technician. We will remove software installed by
our personnel free-of-charge if it fails to perform as expected.
Evidence of license must be shown for commercial software installation and
troubleshooting. Our technician may suggest that a shareware fee be paid
but this will not be required for an installation.
Only vendor supported hardware/software and software/software combinations
will be supported. There is no minimum software version as long as it is
supported by the OS installed on the machine.
Appointments are made as they come in. Repeat visits are given the same
priority as new jobs. No long term contracts.
Follow up visits/call backs are not free.
Hours of operation: M-F 8-4 subject to the availability of technicians.
Precluded Tasks:
* Building level network cabling projects.
* Anything involving UNIX or VMS. (Note that ACS does offer contract
support for these operating systems subject to certain limitations--
contact ACS Desktop Support for a referral).
* Non-Web related programming projects.
Note: ACS Desktop Support is an activity of ACS Software Distribution, ACS
MicroSupport, ACS Technical Services, and Rent-A-Tech.
Tony Wood ACS extension 4-4050 |