University of California, San Diego

October 2, 1998
In the past two months, the UCSD police department has taken several
bicycle theft reports from various locations around campus. Most thefts have occurred in the late morning to early evening hours (10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.). However, since the beginning of school there has been a shift toward early to late evening hours (7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.). The majority of the bicycles have been secured with "cable" or "U" type locks. The value of the
bicycles have been between $100.00 to $600.00 each.
We have found no witnesses to these thefts, and our extra patrol
has not provided any suspect information. The offender(s) may not appear to be suspicious to a casual observer. The police department is asking for your help by being more aware of the activities in and around areas where bicycles are parked. Please call the police department at 534-4357 or 911 if you see anyone who appears to be tampering with or loitering near bicycles.
If you have your bicycle stolen, please report it. The information you
provide about your loss helps us determine patterns in the thief's
behavior. The more information we have, the better our chances are of
catching the thief.
You can also contact us by using the "freeway style" emergency call boxes located throughout campus or by using the "call buttons" inside the elevators to report emergencies or crimes in progress.
You can make it difficult for a thief to steal your bicycle by:
1. Properly securing your bicycle with a good quality U-lock
2. Checking your bicycle frequently; avoid leaving it unattendedfor long periods of time
If your bicycle is stolen, you will help your chances of getting it back by:
1. Licensing your bicycle on campus
2. Engraving your driver's license number on your bicycle.
3. Writing down the frame number
If you have any information regarding a bicycle theft, please call the UCSD Police Department Detective Bureau at 534-4359.
Maudie Bobbitt
Chief of Police