University of California, San Diego


October 26, 1998


SUBJECT:    Proposition 1A, Class Size Reduction Kindergarten-University Public Facilities Bond Act of 1998

I would like to inform you about Proposition 1A, which will appear on the
November 3rd ballot, and its impact on UCSD. The Proposition is called the
Class Size Reduction Kindergarten-University Public Facilities Bond Act of

Proposition 1A is a statewide bond measure that would provide $9.2 billion
to strengthen, repair and build public education facilities in California.
Of the total, $6.7 billion would be used to construct and renovate K-12
schools. The state's three segments of public higher education--the
University of California, the California State University and the California
Community Colleges--would equally share the remaining $2.5 billion in bond

The measure would fund capital improvements at all nine UC campuses and
initial development of the university's planned 10th campus at Merced.
Funding from Prop. 1A would be used to strengthen UC buildings against
earthquakes, renovate aging classroom and laboratory buildings, and
modernize outdated infrastructure. The bond measure also would fund new
facilities to accommodate rapidly growing student enrollments, including
several major projects to house programs in the sciences.

Projects at UCSD to be funded by Prop. 1A include:

· A new building for the natural sciences departments of Biology,
Chemistry/Biochemistry and Physics. It will include instructional
laboratories, research laboratories and office space, bringing together
biologically oriented disciplines in an effort to promote interdisciplinary
collaboration among students, researchers and faculty. The Division of
Natural Sciences already is the single largest teaching and research entity
on the general campus at UCSD, with undergraduate majors in the division
representing 40 percent of the campus total.

· Eleanor Roosevelt College, the newest member of UCSD's family of colleges,
would receive funds for classrooms, a computing facility and other state of
the art program space.

· The Jacobs School of Engineering, expected to undergo tremendous growth in
enrollment in the next decade, would receive funds to construct Engineering
Building Unit 3 to provide instruction and research facilities for a
combination of bioengineering and computer science programs.

Supporters of Prop. 1A include the UC Board of Regents, California Taxpayers
Association, California Chamber of Commerce and Congress of California
Seniors. The ballot pamphlet argument opposing the measure was signed by
People's Advocate Inc., the National Tax Limitation Committee and
Assemblyman Tom McClintock, who maintain the measure is too large and that
this year's state budget surplus could have been used to pay for education

Robert C. Dynes