University of California, San Diego


October 27, 1998


SUBJECT:    New Alumni Record Maintenance Mechanisms

External Relations is embarking on a renewed initiative to engage UCSD
alumni. As a university, we can not lose sight of our alumni, the
group that best bridges the campus community to the external world.
Steady streams of thoughtful communication that speak to UCSD's
vision, values, strengths and struggles, as well as to the interests
and concerns of our alumni are needed to create a better dialog with
this vital constituency. Though seemingly rudimentary, our first
obstacle in this renewed effort is in locating our alumni.
Approximately 40% of our alumni are 'lost' and no communication effort
will be effective until we address this issue.

Three new alumni maintenance mechanisms have been created in a direct
response to the need to locate our alumni. The Annual Giving Office
has established a toll-free number and e-mail address and Data
Resource Services has developed an on-line web form for the specific
purpose of updating alumni information. All three allow alumni to
update information regarding address, marital status, employment,
education and other pertinent information. Please note that these are
NOT serving as informational or help devices and are for the sole
purpose of updating alumni records with the university. As always,
all informational requests from alumni should be directed to the
Alumni Association.

I invite all UCSD alumni who are current staff or faculty to update
their record and provide feedback to our offices about their
experiences with these mechanisms. I would also like to encourage all
faculty and staff to use these mechanisms if they have new information
on alumni, whether received through return mail from a newsletter or a
personal visit. It is our hope that in an age where information is so
critical, that we can tap into the wealth of resources within our own
community. In this way UCSD can become a stronger customer service
organization with an increased ability to effectively communicate with
one of it's primary constituencies.

External Relations will be promoting all three mechanisms on InfoPath
and outgoing correspondence but would appreciate everyone's help in
disseminating these new methods of alumni record maintenance.
Following are the three new mechanisms we have created.

The toll-free number is: 1-888-UCSD-785 (1-888-827-3785)

The e-mail address is: UCSDAlumniUpdate@ucsd.edu

The on-line web form is: http://www-er.ucsd.edu/alumniupdate.htm

Please direct any comments, questions or feedback to Julie Branson at
jabranson@ucsd.edu or A.J. Kohn at akohn@ucsd.edu

Your participation and assistance in this endeavor are greatly

James M. Langley
Vice Chancellor
External Relations