University of California, San Diego


October 9, 1998

ALL AT UCSD (Including UCSD Medical Center)

SUBJECT:    Performance Management Team Report

In early 1997, a Performance Management Process Team was convened. The
Team encompassed representatives from each Vice Chancellor's area, and
was charged to: strengthen and expand performance management for the
UCSD community; research performance management and appraisal models
within or outside of higher education; design a minimalist performance
management model that would provide the Vice Chancellors with greater
flexibility in their application of the process; develop performance
standards for the UCSD Principles of Community, Diversity, Health and
Safety and Customer Service; and recommend a performance appraisal
review cycle to correlate with the campus' new merit review cycle.

The Team has completed its charge and presented its report and
recommendations. As such, appropriate recommendations will be
incorporated into the UCSD Implementing Procedures 23/Performance

A consultation process regarding the Team's recommendations is being
developed. The consultation will be scheduled for each Vice Chancellor's
area and will provide opportunities for interactive discussions about
components of the Performance Management Process Team Report and the
corresponding proposed modifications to the UCSD Implementing Procedures
23/Performance Appraisal. A campuswide review of the Implementing
Procedures will follow the consultation process with the Vice Chancellors.

The Performance Management Process Team Report is available on the Human
Resources Department's website at:


Comments regarding the Report may be directed to: Jonnie Craig-Winston,
Director of Policy Development and Quality of Work/Life at (619) 534-9659
or mailto:jcraig@ucsd.edu; or Lana Brenes, Director of Staff Education
and Development at (619) 534-4890 or mailto:lbrenes@ucsd.edu.

Rogers Davis
Assistant Vice Chancellor -
Human Resources