University of California, San Diego


February 12, 1998


SUBJECT:    Systemwide Base Payroll Expense Transfer (PET) Program

The Payroll office recognizes that many departments have expressed an
overwhelming interest in distributing an On-Line Payroll Expense Transfer
module. The Payroll division, in conjunction with Extramural Funds, will be
working on distributing such a system later this year. However, in the
meantime, Payroll has just been informed by the Office of the President
that the current Systemwide Base Payroll System (PPS) will no longer
support our local Payroll Expense Transfer (PET) program. As such,
Payroll will need to transition over to the new Base Payroll Expense
Transfer (PET) program. This new PET program is an improvement to our
existing PET program and offers many enhancements and built in edits that
our current PET program does not offer. When processing your PET forms,
Payroll will now have the benefit of the following edits and system

  * The ability to transfer payroll expenses in blocks/groups at a time in
   addition to line by line.
  * The ability to verify actual payroll expense. This feature monitors
   past payroll expense transfers and activity to ensure that departments
   are not "over" transferring.
  * The automated calculation of benefits to be transferred using benefit
   rates in effect at the time of the original payment.
  * The ability to perform range and value edits to reduce key entry
  * The ability to transfer payroll expense based on actual gross dollars
   instead of percentages.

The transition to this new program will require staff who process PETs
to use a new Payroll Expense Transfer form. This new form will contain
minor differences in the fields and their values and will be made available on
3/1/98 at our web Site: http://www-bfs.ucsd.edu/pay/pet.htm along with
instructions on how to fill out the form. While departments will have the
ability to enter the information directly on the Web-based form, they will
still be required to print the form for routing, signature authorization(s) and
key entry. In addition, should users require more instruction or information
about the form, the Payroll office will be conducting training workshops in
completing the form. The dates and times of these training workshops will be
announced later this month. (Those departments processing Academic School of
Medicine PETs will receive separate guidelines from the School of Medicine
Dean's office.)

In order to ensure a smooth transition, our timetable and plans are as

  February 1998:  Continue processing Payroll Expense Transfers using the
          old form.

  March   1998:  DE-activate our local PET program and install systemwide
          base PET program.
          Continue accepting Payroll Expense Transfers on the old
          form and begin accepting Payroll Expense Transfers on the
          new form.
          It is important to note that PETs submitted in March
          using the old form will be translated to the new form by
          key payroll staff.

  April   1998:  Payroll Expense Transfers must be submitted and
          processed on the new form.
          Payroll Expense Transfers submitted on the old form
          will be returned to the department.

As stated earlier, we recognize the campus' interest and desire for a
distributed On-Line Payroll Expense Transfer module and we will begin the
preliminary steps of development later this year. This may include the
solicitation of many of you for your suggestions and participation. In the
meantime, we appreciate your cooperation and continued support. Please route
this information to the appropriate personnel. Should you have any questions or
comments, please do not hesitate to contact the Payroll office at 534 - 3247.

Pearl Trinidad
Acting Payroll Manager