March 11, 1998
Admitted freshmen and their families will "Discover UCSD!" on Admit Day
1998, Saturday, April 4, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. This event is an
opportunity to showcase the UCSD campus, its academic departments, student
services and student organizations during this important decision-making
period. Admit Day is expected to draw at least 5,000 visitors to UCSD for
the day to attend presentations on a variety of university-related topics,
visit their college of admittance, talk with students and faculty, and tour
the campus.
The day will open with a series of Welcome Sessions led by Chancellor
Robert Dynes, Dr. Joseph Watson, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Dr.
Richard Backer, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Enrollment
Management/Registrar and Mae Brown, Director of Admissons and Outreach.
Officers of the UCSD Associated Students will also speak. The five
undergraduate colleges will then host guests in college overview sessions
designed to introduce students and their parents to the college and its
academic and extracurricular opportunities. Each college is also hosting
festivities and celebrations in conjunction with Admit Day to highlight
college life.
Campus and residence hall tours will be held throughout the day, along with
tours of RIMAC and various academic departments. Student clubs and
organizations will hold an Information Fair on Library Walk from 9:00 a.m.
until 1:00 p.m. From 11 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. the Information Fair will also
include representatives from student support services and academic
Ongoing information sessions will cover the five undergraduate colleges,
housing, majors, athletics, bursar information, career preparation, campus
life and more. Faculty members from a variety of departments will discuss
academic expectations, the many ways that students and faculty can
interact, and opportunities for student involvement in faculty research.
"Admit Day is a very important day for the university. It is an invaluable
opportunity for admitted students and their parents to meet with our
faculty, staff, students and college administrators," says Mae Brown,
UCSD's Director of Admissions and Outreach. "And for the campus community,
the day provides us with the opportunity to show these students why UCSD is
such an extraordinary institution. Many students have told us that they
made the decision to attend UCSD based on their positive experiences during
Admit Day."
For more information about Admit Day, please contact Nancy Saint John or
Debi Kammerer at 534-4831.
Richard L. Backer
Assistant Vice Chancellor |